
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:26:11
Are you America?错就帮我改下 北科电子集团有限公司总部,翻译英文怎么写 There be后面的谓语动词,为什么要和最近的保持一致 lmagine you are an American student on vacation in Beijing Write a travel diary.假如你是一名在北京度假的美国学生,写一篇旅游日记.Thursday ,August 1st Today I went to the Palace Museum .It was cool .Then I ………… 3b lmagine you are an American student on vacation in Beijing.Write a trave diary.不少于60字 Travel With Us Are you ______(interest) in taking a vacation to an _______(excite) location?.Do you want to travel to a beautiful and ______(relax) beach,Our holiday are definitely not ________(bore),If you are ________(worry)about the cost,We know t 英语翻译yeah?But inside is totally different,douchebag! 有关情态动词··living in such a high mountain ______ be coldA.should B.can C.may D.must为什么选b? 关于情态动词1.I thought you _____ like reading books,so I have brought you some books2.I thought you _____ like reading books,so I brought you some books选项相同:A.may B.might C.could D.mustReason? 关于情态动词 the life boat is for women and children only.you_______wait为什么填 should 为什么不能用need 情态动词1. Be quiet!, or your voice ___ be heard.A. may B. can't2. ---- I like the party so much, but I —————— go home.It is too late. ---- What a pity!A. must. B. have to C. may D. can 什么叫情态动词 Within you I lose myself,without you I want to be losing 关于who when which that while 的用法 go away myself without anyone I miss all my friends I do not want leave them they are my happiness 这段话的意思 what was his reaction ___ you when you told him you were leaving him 填介词,为什么? pay attention l make a card for him ( )a present介词!············· 情态动词有哪几个要全部详细些 情态动词有多少个? 情态动词15.He left yesterday,so he _______ in Beijing.A.may arrive B.may have arrived C.must arrive D.arrives为什么选B不选C?怎么判断到底是肯定推断还是可能推断? we,these,rules,do,have,where连词成句 we have come here for the summer to play.怎么翻译? paul can't come to the party.he's play soccer play是加s还是加ing 要原因! Why do we have rules and law 英文版答案 作为非谓语动词,一定要动词原形吗? be动词加行为动词原形吗?举例说明 got有没有作为动词原形的用法? Are you English? 我们应该诚实用英语怎么说 刷牙的英语是单词是什么 刷牙英语