
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 13:27:07
一个人在南极建一座房子,问这个房子的窗户在哪个方向,为什么? 请大神翻译,英译汉(冥想类的英文,这是一本书,用于出版)第三段:each and every pulse creates an act and throughout the day you are doing so many actions that the pulse…the desire and the act are not in harmonyso many thing 请大神翻译,英译汉(冥想类的英文,这是书中的一段内容,用于出版)remember you get one breathso you can do one actso you will slow downi am receiving a breath…a certain pulse to share and i am expressing it to youi raise my 英语翻译第五段:you have to understand the very core of your desiresbecause everything you are doing is led through desiresyou cannot get out of your bed if there is no desireand the moment you have no desire whatsoever the mind simply stopst 一座房子在南极极点为什么四面朝北? 地球上有地方能建四面窗户都朝北的房屋吗?为什么? 我叫和士涛是天平座帮忙给我起英文名字本人男性,天平座,帮忙起个酷点的英语名字我姓和平的和名士涛。和士涛,要和我名字有关的 我叫锐涛,请大家帮忙翻译成英文名 我的名字叫“泽鸿’想改个英文名. 蓝光 照在 绿布的颜色初中光学 They never been opened.这句话正确吗?如果错了怎么改? 常读常新的人鱼公主启发寒假社区服务活动记录表 常读常新的人鱼公主(1) :作者在不同时期读“人鱼公主”分别有怎样的感受?(2):本文对你阅读文学作品有怎样的启发? 《常读常新的人鱼公主》问题1.作者在不同时期读"人鱼公主"分别有怎样的感受?2.本文对我们阅读文学作品有怎样的启发? 《常读常新的人鱼公主》 原文 名字叫:陌琳兮&琳兮!取个粉丝名.顺便起个英文名 形容两个人不能好好的沟通的成语 “红的、黄的、紫的、蓝的……颜色真多啊!”这里有几句话如果省略号后面没有语句,我就确定是一句话,可后面又加有语句,我觉得那省略号就像是逗号一样,“红的、黄的、紫的、蓝的,颜色 I saw him in the street.对in the street提问 He must't be in his office now.Isaw him in the street just now 这句话有什么错误? I saw him in the street是什么意思 He have gone to the net bar,for I saw him in the classroom just now.A mustn’t B can’t C may not D might not 常读常新的人鱼公主阅读答案1、作者一生常读人鱼公主,感受常新.请你简要概括作者8岁、28岁时读出的内容. 8岁时 ;18岁时理解了这是一篇写爱情的童话;28岁时 there are three times as many girls as boys是什么意思 there are three times as many girls as boys.这是哪种倍数表达法 There are three times as many girls as boys.帮个忙拉~There are 65 students in my class-more than my previous class in Junior High.Forty-nine of them are girls.In other words,there are three times as many girls as boys.根据短文提示翻译最 They will meet at the shopping center变一般疑问句并作肯定回答 英语翻译什么时态?为什? 现在完成时中一定要加have/has吗?看到一个填空:They already _____(leave).怎么填? 乡村和城市的本质区别是( )单项选择A、 人口多少不同 B、建筑形态不同 C、产业类型不同 D、文化水平不同 英语翻译中文歌名是谁知道中文翻译? I'm a-- I con't come to your party because I have to do my homework.We can't take photos w -- bwcause the light is b---怎么填呢