
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 19:01:50
染色体数目与生物等级有关吗? How many people do you have working in sales?请解释一个这个句子的成分,各个组成部分.do you have 是插入语吗?为什么work后加有ing呢?in sales 可以理解为“在销售这块”吗?有没有更专业点的! Sorry,I'm late.-----( A.OK B.All right C.That's all right 帮我弄一段100多字的励志英文,要求有汉文翻译过来, what ___ great progress he has made!A.a B.不填 该选哪what ___ great progress he has made!A.a B.不填该选哪一个?为什么?是不是有一个叫做make a great progress的短语? Give it to your mother,Sam.改为否定句 生物 染色体条数小鼠体细胞含40条染色体,用小鼠的B淋巴细胞与小鼠的骨髓瘤细胞融合,然后放入被32P标记的培养液中培养.当杂交瘤细胞进入有丝分裂后期时,其含有的被32P标记的染色体条数 自然界不同种生物的染色体一定不同?A.一定不同B.一定相同C.可能相同也可能不同D.染色体数目是一样的,不过形态不同 自然界的生物大多数有什么多条染色体?人类的染色体条数在动物界算多还是算少的,总体而言?现在的科学家有把常见的生物的染色体都测出来吗?一共3问.. Tom didn't take away the camera because it was not the same camera__ he lost last night为什么不能用that或which? wangcheng looked tired because he stayed up late last night 对because he stayed up late last night 有没有背古诗的好办法?不要死记硬背的,谢谢! 语文读书怎么读 读的方法 不求死记硬背 It was so hard that it made me cry 翻译成汉语 It rained very hard.And it made a few drivers _____(injure) in the race 并且翻译一下 初中阶段英语必记的2000个单词最好是用work打好的 我准备打印下来 记得要有中文跟英标 He doesn t come because he is illbecause he is ill对这句进行提问——he—? I don't teach beacause teaching is easy for me这句的意思是 我之所以教书并不是因为教书对我太容易.那么我想问的是,如果我想表达 我之所以不教书是因为教书对我太容易.该怎么说呢如果说i teach not b 背单词总是忘 有什么窍门么 还是只有死记硬背一个办法? Do you do your homework in the evening?(at seven o'clock)用上括号内的时间进行时态转换 They do______homework at seven in the evening.A.the B.one's C.their D.they David can f____his homework before seven o′clock every evening. 谐音的女英文名 白雯 求 宋词10首以及其中5首的翻译和赏析 英语翻译李煜---长相思 秋风多,雨相和,帘外芭蕉三两窠,夜长人奈何!李煜---挽词 飘零事已空.沉沉无问处,千载谢东风.李冠----蝶恋花 数点雨声风约住,朦胧淡月云来去.柳永----蝶恋花 草色烟光 如何学英语,真不想死记硬背背单词啊! 背单词靠死记硬背有用吗?我现在上初一 英语非常差 大概只有五年级下册的水平测验只得了70分 (120满分)我现在的单词量很少 要怎么才能背好单词呢? 怎样制定班级工作计划和做好班级工作总结 ---our basketball team won the match.---( )good information you gave me! A,what a Bwhat选什么?为什么? what was score of the basketball game?what was the of the basketball game? what do you think of the basketball game?改为同义句 ____ do you____the basketball game? I'm sorry for being late.A.You're welcome B.That 's right C.Never mind