来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 20:30:51
Quella和Cherry,哪个英文名好听啊?两个名字我都挺喜欢的,分不出到底要哪个,我是个女孩子,名字里有个倩字, 词语搭配:应该是“保护眼睛”,还是“爱护眼睛”? you do not need to have to scrounge for every penny you need to consume,这句话中need是情态动词吗?have to 怎么翻译,have to 是情态动词,表示必须? you do not need to have to scrounge for every penny you need to consume, 9.Would you tell me where to get the dictionary _____?A.what I need B.I need C.which I need it 9.Would you tell me where to get the dictionary _____?A.what I need B.I need C.which I need it D.that I need it 英语句子正误She doesn’t spend much money on dresses不太明白她在穿上没有花很多钱.误:She doesn’t spend a lot of money on dresses.正:She doesn’t spend much money on dresses.第一句错在哪儿?help 同义句转换:She doesn't mind how much to spend on the vacation.变成:She has a  ̄  ̄  ̄ to spend on the vacation. 英语同义句He doesn't mind how much to spend on the vacation.He has a ____ _____ money to spend on the vacation. I was completely in their power ,and knew it was senseless to resist 翻译 All the boys raised their hands,and it was declared a vote.翻译 帮忙翻译一下Everyone can decide their appearance in their own way how much would you like?同义句为什么 多少次说爱你最后却变成我爱过你 用英语怎么说 英语翻译cool fashion need cool taste.you are the new man.we like the new taste.we nees the quality.and we need the best food.here you will find what you want.翻译 在什么情况下疑问句和否定句用do/does.具体说明,帮帮忙! she doesn't have enought money for this book 用汉语怎么说 用复数 第二人称 第三人称 每造一个疑问句 再做肯定和否定句回答 要用DO 和DOES拜托啦!各位 she hasn't have是否等于she doesn't have?简洁一点,通俗易懂 怎样用do,does,did等助动词造疑问句与否定句,怎样运用疑问代词与副词? The man is made ____ some extra hours.A.work B.to work c.worked D.working 求讲解 懂德语的朋友进来一下a.Bohrungsabstaendeb.Ueberarbeitet Gussteilc.Sichtflaechen,Toleranzend.Bei Sichtflaechen bitte auf guteOberflaechenbeschaffenheit achten!Keine Riefen oder Rillene.Sichtflaechenf.Fehlnde Maße bitte dem DXF entnehmen how much money________she___________________(have) ( )___beef would you like?A.how many B.how much C.how big D.how long 帮我把这个人的名字弄个最好的英文名.苏婉怡(女) 可以发上几个让我参考下.外表能看的出这个人的英文名就是她的最好. 这几个女生的英文名是什么意思什么感觉的呢?最近需要起一个英文名,可是我喜欢的几个却不知道是什么意思,也不了解它们带给别人怎样的感觉.希望了解的或者在国外生活过的朋友们可以帮 最佳女英文名选择susan,stephanie,selna,哪个是最佳英文名呢,我叫魏诗苡,我提问了很多次都没有好答案,小女子就此谢过, How many bags of milk would you What do you think is the _____(creatice) of all the music video? discrimination against poor people in Chinapleese 英语翻译我问的是as....as怎么翻译,不是整句翻译, 英语翻译尽可能多是怎么翻译出来的? What do you think of the music 同意句_____ _______you ______ the music