
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 19:47:14
go around the would用汉语怎么说 we can consider to issue seaway bill这是我一个同事写的邮件,但是我差了一下,如果consider + to是解释为认为的意思,但是我看我同事的邮件,这样的意思完全不一致,他是想建议客人的,也就是说consider + V 一个圆锥的高是圆柱的3分之一,底面周长是圆柱的5倍,则圆锥的体积是圆柱的几分之几? BBC新闻里的一句话新闻背景是 英国最近跟欧盟闹情绪,想离开欧盟,德法想挽留.法国说他同意讨论给欧盟减减肥(The French are willing to discuss a more open,leaner EU.)看不懂的是下面一句What would be un 鹦鹉为什么会说话丰富一些 全世界品质最好的手机是什么? 紫外线对DNA的损伤及其修复是如何进行的 做人为什么不能诚实一点?世界为什么充满竞争 紫外线对DNA损伤的机制 英语翻译Arsenal had to battle for the win at St James' Park with Newcastle hitting the bar in the first half and almost scoring late on when Wojciech Szczesny's clearance cannoned off Loic Remy and trickled wide of the goal. 英语翻译It was accused of breaching and taking that it gave to the US over payments to a Saudi official who is bound for a 40- billion-dollar weapon's deal.taking that it gave to the US over payments to a Saudi official 这段请重点解释!, What____you do to save water?在___上该填哪个词?1.can 2.should 3.do 推荐一些DNA损伤修复剂DNA损伤修复剂什么试剂对细胞的DNA损伤能起修复作用(广谱的,最好能溶解于水)? i often dream __ i can fly a.of b.at c.that 2.they are going to __.a.dance b.dance...i often dream __ i can fly a.of b.at c.that2.they are going to __.a.dance b.dances c.dancing 3.what are you doing on sunday we are going to __ .a 后天DNA损伤还能修复么 一个顾客去蛋糕店,要求店员装在4个盒子里,每个盒子里至少要装3块蛋糕.聪明的伱能帮店员想个好办法吗? what do you think ---------do to protect wildlife?A should we B we should C it we shouldD it is we should 为什么选B 不选A can you think of some measures to protect forests? He said'"I am eating at the moment."改为间接引语 I ____wash all the plates and things after the meal.A.will B.can C.am able to D.must 德语我想学,到哪儿学比较划算合适啊对于德语我一窍通,但是我对德语非常感兴趣,我想学德语,有哪位德语大虾能方便告知我一下到哪儿学比较合适啊, l _(is ,am)eating a hamburger 那个括号里的 5篇历史人物传记1篇500字20分 Harry keeps exercising every morning .As a result,he's a few killos___(轻的)than he used to be. I___bacon and eggs every morning A am used to eating B used to eating Cam used to eat D to be eat wei fang used to ___ english every morning.(learn) The school___Mr.smith teaches is a world-famous one.这个空为什么填where,请分析,如题. 450m=[ ]km 6m3dm=[ ]dm 0.05立方米=[ ]立方分米 3.2时=[ ]分 500kg=[ ]t 5dm²40cm²=( )dm² 怎么填? 有谁蜈蚣一生繁殖几次 AB两地从东西两城同时相向而行,A车速度90千米每时,B车速度为80千米每时.AB两地从东西两城同时相向而行,A车速度90千米每时,B车速度为80千米每时,两车相遇后继续前进,分别到达东西两城后立 怎么把微风吹来梧桐树轻轻揺晃变成拟人句