
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:16:13
英语翻译怎么都没有最后一个啊?(像水兰什么?) The shoemaker____me two yuan____mending a pair of shoesA,paid;forB.asked;forC.cost;inD.charged;for It was hard for him to learn English in a family ,in which _A_ of the parents spoke the language.A neither B each我只想知道这一题为什么不能选B(each)?B到底错在了哪里? You are supposed to shake hands 是初四第一单元的标题我想了解其本单元的听力原文,望知道的朋友们帮忙上传!若有第2单元的就更好了!忽忽! 审计中的外勤是什么意思呀?作什么的呢? How often does your sister A.watching TV B.surfs the Internet C.go to the movies D.exercise这道题选什么 审计 用 lose track of/live on两个英语短语写一句话 函数有两个零点、三个零点求其参数的取值范围,就是这样的题目, you can park car i have forgotten the date( ) i meet her first timea,when b,where说个理由赛,掉了一个THE He asked me,“Have you decided on the date for the next match?”(改为宾语从句)He asked me if __________ __________ decided on the date for the next match. I always being "You always being you,not another.这是同学在练习本上写的,说这是一句很有内涵的句子? 审计学是什么 审计学中提到的列报是什么意思? 审计学高手请进!(一) 单选题 1.经办人应当在职责范围内,按照审批人的批准意见办理货币资金业务.对于审批人超越授权范围审批的货币资金业务,经办人员有权拒绝办理,并及时向审批人的上 求助审计学的高手,急.呵呵 joyce的中文意思是什么? “Joyce”这是什么意思? joyce 英文,,不要只说意思,要点故事最好,我想了解,,我不是要JOY,我,要JOYCE,是人名,有什么典故吗?/. 东邪西毒 ASHES OF TIME怎么样 they are (reception)____to news ideas.里面填什么适当形式呢? 英语翻译in the last 500 years,nothing about people,such as their chlothes,ideas and languages have changed as much as what they eat.这句话应该怎么翻译?翻译成:比如他们的衣服,想法,语言象他们吃的那样差不多有了改 "英文谚语"的英文怎么说 这个谚语怎么说?英国谚语:小便黄黄,留着变香.用英语怎么说? You best可以用在书信结尾吗?通常都是Yours Sincerely什么的,刚刚看到有人这样用,不知是否妥当... 翻译Maybe only the good die young Linda's Shop has the ____(expensive) clothes.expensive的最高级 We climbed up the mountain to a ridge _______ we had fantastic views .A.from where B.from which It was not long___we climbed up the mountain这里该填什么啊,比如before ,since这类的