
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 13:30:46
They woud like to go ----------(trek) through the Amazon jungle in Brazil.请说明理由 模仿六年级上册英语第五单元写一篇作文 It is dangerous to trek__ the Amazon Jungle.A.acrossB.overC.throughD.on 六年级上册英语作文 第三单元怎么、? I like exciting trips.I'd love to trek ____the Amazon jungle next summer.A.through B.across C.crossing D.cross答案选出来后请分析一下选项 找一首近期劲爆体育NBA制造的歌曲,女的唱的,歌词some people need to learn some peole need to*(忘了)还有一句 但是我们生来就是冠军 在CSPN看NBA的时候放的广告那首歌的歌词有some people need learn some people need...BUT是什么歌啊 Some disabled people need robot's help to-----.Robots seem very new to most people.But they have a long history.The first one was made by a Greek inventor.You may have seen robots in some films.The robots in these films are stronger,faster and clever It's a heavy job.We need___people to help do it.A.more some B.some more C.another more D.more ano加理由哦 O是三角形ABC内任意一点,BC=a,AC=b,AB=c,说明OA+OB+OC大于2分之1(a+b+c) Come to my home and see my photos in Sydney_____ next weekA sometime B sometimes C some time D some times 清说明理由 Now some young people like to hold their __________(marry) in a church(教堂). 选择Please come to my home____A.in this evening B.on tomorrrow C.on next Sunday D.tomorrow 初一英语连词成句 1、some people young online shopping like2、a usually shopping lot takes time us of3、need something first to you choose4、isn't paying the the over Internet always safe5、Internet can on anything buy anyone the I am c____ that Mr Green will come back home next week 广宇老师 an dearest come next week a new challenge an a new port to make home in.请问中文含义 英语翻译1.践踏世间所有真理,将你带入轮回中,欣赏死亡的节奏,尸骨将与你同行,残食世间灵魂,你的眼,无比的邪恶.翻译这个 已知:O是三角形ABC内一点,求证:二分之一(BC+CA+AB)小于OA+OB+OC 已知:O是△ABC内一点,求征:1/2〈BC+CA+AB〉∠ OA+OB+OC要求写出全过程 已知:O是△ABC内一点,求证:1/2(BC+CA+AB)<OA+OB+OC 填空Young people like pop m_____ 怎样用close to home造句 Young people like pop music. be close to home在这儿为什么要加to Mang young people want to become pop stars.的完形填空或全文 close to与next to的区别 close to 与next to他们的区别? 英语翻译按照所提示的词语来翻译(1)营养学家建议青少年要多吃含有钙质的食物.(advise;contain)(2)自从他生病以来,他已经很久没有这么好的胃口了.(since;appetie)(3)我不想对你产生任何影响,所以 请各位帮忙翻译你个英语句子1 很和谐 然人感到很温暖2 这个问题让我想到了别处3我将来想成为一个对社会有用的人4我将来想成为一个警察5初中3年即将过去,3年时间转眼即逝,但你我的友 英语翻译我有一个梦想 我有一个梦想--我要做一位物理学家--一位能使物理学产生质的飞跃的物理学家.这是我从很小就立下的梦想,我渴望能够学到更多,去探索更多未知的领域,以满足我的求 英语翻译I believe that an increasing number of students desire to taste the real pizza.take me as an example,just the thought of the palatable taste of the hot ,creamy cheese brings water to my mouth 起请各位帮忙翻译一下这句英语句子Please don't look down upon migrant workers ,who may be less educated ,but are kindhearted.