
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 20:26:36
L_(be) in Biejing yesterday._he sometimes_(go)to work on foot?Let's_(play)chess together.看下Tom _( walk)to school every day.This is my bag.That's_(he)bag.My father_(read)a newspaper yesterday.Which is_(heavy),the bear or elephant? I have invited many friends to ____ to my birthday.如果可以请解释. 做英语阅读理解时,是遇到生单词时就努力把它记住,记牢,直到把整篇都学完,还是把整篇所有看一遍,再看一遍,直到这样重复把所有单词都熟悉 短篇英语故事(好的追加分)关于树的,THANKS查的到那还用问你们吗? My friend Mike likes coffee with____. 守护和天使的英文缩写怎么写!知道的告诉下谢谢哒 句子改成被动语态 Sandy invited me do have dinner with her yesterday evening Mr Lin invited me and me to have dinner with him 请问这句话对吗?可这道题是这样的,该怎么填啊?Mr Lin invited _______ to have dinner with him.A.me and you B.you and I C.you and me D I and you My manager invited me to have dinner with him but I refused_____.A.to have B.to do C.to D.to have had请说明理由~ 谁有I don't give damn的歌词baidu上找的都是节选.谁有全的啊? Miss you so sorry i am really sorry 感情方面的 爱华英语是小班授课吗?一个班几个人?是外教还是中教上课? 辩论赛正方认为如果人人都做减碳志愿者,那就意味着高科技产品就没人买,就会制约我国经济发展,如果你是反方代表情你运用我国基本国策、发展战略知识从两个角度阐述反驳的理由 辩论赛正方认为如果人人都做减碳志愿者,那就意味着高科技产品就没人买,就会制约我国经济发展,如果你是...辩论赛正方认为如果人人都做减碳志愿者,那就意味着高科技产品就没人买,就会 I really miss you!什么意思? I Really Miss You 歌词 I——(play)football this afternoon为什么用这个答案?是什么句? 英特英语西单校区还有试听课吗? 英特英语西单校区现在还有试听课吗? 英特英语的西单校区最近有试听课么?我怎么跟那边联系啊? Linda__the space museum after school yesterday A.has been to B.was gone to C.wemt to 求详解 用英语解释句子、I lent a book to Linda yesterday 短文填空Yesterday morning,Linda went to the world park with kitty by coach.Though they felt s__1__ at the beginning of the trip,they e__2__ themselves later.They saw the Eiffel Towner and P__3__ in Egypt,the Golden Gate.B__4__,and many other plac 小木棍左边挂充气的气球,右边挂重物,此时小木棒平衡,当气球刺破时会怎么样 为什么给瘪气球打气会使原来平衡的天平不再平衡天平打气气球内应该也进空气了,这样浮力应被抵消了 北京猿人与山顶洞人发现地点 山顶洞人生存年代及发现地点在那里?生存情况如何? 山顶洞人居住在什么地方 跪求!急需初二上册英语课文原文 谢霆锋的儿子为什么从小就说英文? .谢霆锋二儿子叫什么?最好、英文加中文. 第1线少儿英语是外教还是中教?