
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 16:37:34
There are lost of buses and cars.改为一般疑问句What did you do three days ago?做出回答 down The computer broke down suddenly.There must be a(n)__in it so I have to have it repairedA.mistake B.error C.shortcoming D.fault 两个that在句中的作用,there...这整句是神马意思呢?After all the preparation,there is nothing likethat feeling of icy reality that hits when the openingbell is near.there...这句怎么断句呢? love的过去式是什么? We have red T-shirts(改为一般疑问句) I have a yellow skateboard.(改成一般疑问句,特殊疑问句) I can keep this book u next Friday把U开头的单词补全,使句意通顺 have to和must有什么区别大神们帮帮忙 have to 和 must有什么区别吗? I didn't see him at the meeting yesterday afternoon.He ____ it.A.can't have attended B.wouldn't have attended 大写的标准票据填写.比如5000元整写为( )拾( )万( )仟( )佰( )拾( )元 (小写¥ )小写要精确到小数点后几位?若是5000元整 大写后面的 佰 拾 位怎么写.知道告之, 大家帮忙看看这句英语哪儿错了I think a healthy body is good for everyone study and work. 这句英语哪有错They go swimming three time a week Why do we say the world will be short of water in the future?答案要附中文 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚现在气温多少 There will be no water shortages in the future. love 过去式 his name is peter对peter提问 14. He told me that if we needed financial help, we could(?) him.(A) turn to (B) depend on (C) go through (D) lie in he told me that if we needed financial help,we could ____himA lie inB depend onC go throughD turn to he just told me that he could help me.He didn't keep his word,( ) A however B though C although英语老师说however不能放句尾,但我觉得从语义上来讲应该用however而不是though,不知各位怎么看?语义呢? think about 和consider 它们后面只能接 N 和 V-ing 为什么?这是什么语法?就是根据是什么? I didn't see him yesterday afternoon,He ------have attended it选择:A couldn't B;can't 回答要著名的理由哦 I p_him yesterday afternoon ,but he was out 填空 2010年以来,这个地区发生了很大的变化Great changes have ________in this area since 2010.答案是taten place 我想问happened行不行 1.2010年以来,这个地区发生了很大的变化 Great changes have ( ) ( )in this area since 2010.2.他们正在建一条隧道,它将穿过这条山.They are building a tunnel,and it will() ()the mountain.3.我想下个星期顺便看望一下 狮子王英语8句话 请你尊重我的英语是什么?请全世界都剧终回答 尊重别人就是尊重自己 英语 we should clean our rooms every day(改为被动语态)our rooms_ _ _every day _________(污染)air does harm to our health,it's necessary to keep air fresh and clean