
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:25:49
什么叫乘方运算? 民工荒是否意味着劳动力供给下降,哪些地方出现民工荒最为严重 急求新概念英语第二册测试3(PRE-UNIT YEST 乘方的运算结果是?乘方的运算结果是? 0.25×X=40 成本0.25元的练习本1200本,按40%的利润定价出售.当销掉80%后,剩下的练习本打折扣出售,结果获得的利润是预定的96%,问剩下的练习本出售时按定价打了多少折扣?快,⊙ o ⊙ 用因式分解法解一元二次方程 积的乘方计算:(1)(-2/3a^2 b^3 c)^3×(1/2ab^2)^2(2)(-4×10^3)^2×(-2×10^3)^3(3)(-5a^6)^2+(-3a^3)^3×(-a^3)(4)(-2ab^2)^3+8(-a)^3×(-b^2)×(b^2)^2 手机参数的ROM和RAM是什么意思 若圆(x-1)^2+(y+1)^2=1上总存在两点关于ax-by-2=0(a>0,b>0)对称,则1/a+1/b的最小值 We sing Happy New Year song on our birthday. I,birthday,can't,my,what,to,decide,get,for,friend,her.(连词成句) 40W的白炽灯与3~6W的LED节能灯亮度相当,说明LED节能灯工作时能量的转化关系 Happy new year to my best friend! 地理初二上册知识点.(详细点!) 采纳后追分 初二上册地理第一章和第二章前两课重点知识点,和重点题.只要到第二章前两课的,别忘了重点题!谢了. 1、根据我国一月份的气温特点.想想其形成原因是什么?对我国的生产,生活产生了什么影响,请举例说明.2、根据我国七月份的气温特点.想想其形成原因是什么?对我国的生产,生活产生了什么影 原子核外有19个电子的某种原子,它失去一个电子后微粒()A不显电性B显正电性C显负电性D无法确定 With his friends gone,he felt ____.A.alone B.even more aloneC.still lonely D.even more lonely哪个? l felt happy to ____ fun in this game with my friends,even if it was very simple.A.exploreB.exerciseC.experienceD.explain Tommy felt happy to hear his friend ____(praise). l felt very happy when he ____with me.A.be B.is C.was D.tellsD选项打错了,应该是play he usually ( ) a soccer game with his friends on his birthday. 英语改句型的题目It is the first spaceship that wasn't made by the government.改为简单句.我不是很懂简单句是什么.大概是指把从句变成形容性的词组加在first和spaceship中间吧.但是不知道怎么改.恢复二楼 几道英语的句型转化题1.She likes playing the piano.对playing the piano提问2.I go to school by bike.对by bike提问3.She teaches us math.改为一般疑问句4.Does he live in Ningbo?作肯定,否定回答5.I'm going to the bookstore this (a-c)^2-(b-d)^2因式分解 listen,_____the children _____sing空格填什么 用所给词形式填 ,listen,the children--(sing)---(loud) mary's hobby is----(swim)in the winter 1.she ___ (drive) a car now. 2.look! they __ (take) photos. 3.listen! the children __ (sing).4.what are you doing?l ___ (wait) for you .5. tom ___ (wash) the clothes now . 1吨尿素的含氮量与多少吨硝铵的含氮量相同 160千克硝酸铵与多少千克尿素含氮量相等 棕色代表什么意思