
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 15:30:13
谁能告诉Ailsa的读音?是“爱丽撒”还是“爱勒撒”还是别的.要准确的,音标告我也行 I in love with you,I always have been ,出自哪个美剧或电影 Ailsa的发音 I'm sure have already been in love with you 在vb中已知起点坐标 终点坐标 圆心坐标 怎么画圆弧 如何用VB实现直线圆弧连接,以及圆弧和圆弧连接用VB的画图表示出来,有源程序的拿出来分享一下啊,给我一点提示 中国前加定冠词吗?如(入境时间)是Time of entry the China还是Time of entry China? China has made a series of plans to ___ the times.A.keep away from B.keep in touch with C.keep up with D.put up with应该选什么? CAD画出来的圆弧保存成dxf后用记事本打开怎么区分是顺时针圆弧还是逆时针圆弧? 请问一下CAD画圆弧的时候怎么把默认的圆弧方向由逆时针改成顺时针 英语翻译Your voice is my wings to fly.Every molecule of air is for breathing.Sing...cause without your voice,the flower doesn't bloom in our spring.Your silence is a treason to the garden in autumn.If you stay silent.Who is gonna shout love.Who w 英语翻译I am still in the bottom of the ladder (still in the begining of the road)there manythings I don't know,what upsets me are not the years,I didn't see an ending loves.the seperatings and goers,those who wastes love,who are going to ask the 用英语说一句祝福老师的话 谁能个我几句祝福某人获得胜利的话啊?要英语的! 用英语说几句对妈妈祝福的话(多些)多一些,句子 CAD圆弧命令.为什么我画R563的圆弧总是提示:起点与端点角度必须相同.请高手指点!又改如何画出这个图形请哪位高手画一下,能画出来,请指点一二.谢谢…… 英语翻译Days of pearls (In the days of prosperity).In the days of his prosperity she was there cherishing himShe showered him with sweet words and painted his life with rosy coloursAnd the times has changed and his situation's never the sameHe ha 英语翻译Turn your dial to 93.7fmBroadway acts like he's 11Self-proclaimed,selfWorse mistake ever to land in MichiganI'm just a singer of country songsJust trying to play guitar and not do no wrongBut if you listen to just one thing I sayYou shoul .漂亮的英语怎么读 漂亮的用英文怎么读 美丽用英文怎么读? 请问漂亮的英文怎么读 there is little water,is there?的否定回答是什么?顺便说下为什么。啊为什么 英语语法 某些难理解的句子 求教!这是一些书上的句子,我感觉很奇怪。1 I told them I was going walking in Austria.(was going 和walking之间不是应该加个to吗?我确定我没看错没打错2 Duke Michael should be k 英语翻译我同事是要去马德里附近,请问有没有华人在西班牙? 最好的朋友英文怎么拼 Australia is veyr large,but the p____ is quite small会的请回复 谢 Though Australia is very large,____A it grows a lot of fruitB the population is quiet smallC it is very richD there are many sheep australia is very large,but _____ its land is sand. A: all of B: much of选哪个?为什么? the audience is very large是用is吗? 两个朋友和一只熊的故事(ENGLISH)关于两个朋友遇到一只熊的故事,瘦子爬到了树上,胖子趴在地上装死,熊走后瘦子问胖子怎样,胖子说了一句话:A friend in need is a friend indeed.麻烦帮忙翻译成英