
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 17:55:12
And he doesn't wear glasses any more .he doesn't have long curly hair.为什么 第一个句子的 三单 ,glasses 后面加 s而第二个 三单 have 连变都不变,这是为什么?求老师 师哥 师姐,简单易懂的指导~ He has short hair and ( wears ) glasses.为什么wear要加s 编写一个javascript程序,要求用户输入1~12的数字,然后显示对应的英文月份简写,例如 jan,mar,feb,等 以一起成长为题目的作文准确! 英语翻译Get up and get out;Get up and get out,my bridal sister;Get up and get out,get up and go look;Wake up my older sister;Open up your eyes,now;A whole world awaits for you outside;for you to get it together and to wise/sober up; 为什么“Here we are”是部分倒装句为什么"Cautious as the rest of her family (was),..."也是部分倒装句?部分倒装的定义是只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,而here we are怎么没 不是说Here引导的句子全倒装吗?例如:Here comes the bus.那么Here you are.又是怎么回事 遍及用英语怎么说 I also w___ my hair in a 1990s style.此处填什么单词?此句为何意 遍及全世界 英语怎么说 I also ____(梳着)my hair in a 1990s style.根据句意和首字母填空 1my hair in a 1990s style.英语翻译 在比例尺是1比5000000的地图上,量得甲乙两地的距离是12厘米.一辆汽车和一辆货车分别从甲乙两地同时出发相向而行,汽车每小时行90千米,货车每小时行60千米.几小时后两车相距120千米? 帮我看下这篇英文文章有没有错误 有的话请帮忙改正帮我看看能拿几分 按照高三的标准来看Dear Xiao Wang,It is two years since we said goodbye at the airport.What are you doing these days?I miss you very much.As winter 求英语达人纠正下小文章里的错误第一次写英语日志,语法,表达都不是很准确,希望英语达人给与正确的改正,MaybeNot only I hate English,but also I tried writing my first English log.虽然讨厌英语,但是我还 请英语高手帮我看看这篇文章有没有语句错误,有的话给我改改,Dear Fang,I understand that you are in a dilemma.Although so many graduates are eager to set feet on their work-life road,there are still some who prefer to start thei 作文:2008一起成长,让爱传递不少于500字,有关汶川大地震的或奥运的 friend,has,got,yellow,your,hair.连词成句,要汉译 Your friend's hair is much shorter than when you last met.What do you say to her?为什么是:You had your hair cut?不是:You have your hair cut? 请帮我修改作文的语法错误Today was my father's birthday.I decided to give him a surprise,so I went to the shop and bought a gift.Then,I went home by subway train.Had been thing about how happy he was when he received the gift,I was so exci 英语翻译最好是有图有真相 . 修改文章语法错误I am Chinese. I am proud of being a Chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind. I've learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers. I've learned about the Great Wall and the Yangtze River. I've l 急修改2篇作文语法错误帮帮我修改下文章的错误之处,一定不要有语法错误,尽量改的简洁(语法简单,常用的单词).如果你愿意,可以做大的改动.★★★★★我的名字叫…,今年19岁,现在在校就读 求帮忙改作文语法错误Nowadays,all kinds of disputes are happening around the world everyday.That makes weapons become a hot topic.Are weapons metaphors of power?As far as I am concerned,weapons are metaphors of power.A weapon is a tool used 英语30个短语希望英语上的.要有中文翻译.上的,别乱套。 英语30个短句! 以‘快乐校园 一起成长’为话题的征文越快回答越好,要求在500字到800字之间 在英语中“Uncle My uncle,Sam,______ manager of the firm.A.is just made B.has just been made C.has just made D.is just being made 答案是选择C 但是为什么?我在看书上看的是 make是使役动词后面跟的可以省去TO 但是在被动语态里是不可 Sam Brown is my uncle.We call him( ) A.uncle Brown B.Brown uncle C.Mr.Sam D.Sam uncleSam Brown is my uncle.We call him( )A.uncle Brown B.Brown uncle C.Mr.Sam D.Sam uncle 求助(急)谁能帮我改一下这段文章的错误A boy who's father left his mother and him was very loving music.but his family was very poor.His mother was a former web designer and she also was a singer in a church band.And two jobs just t 急,修改有问题的作文