
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 15:31:43
After a three hours ' long walk ,zhe boys look rether Your house is really different from the flats here in our town.中文 I was listening to music ___ my English teacher came in.横线上应填when还是while我觉得应该填while,因为含有while的句中常用进行时态. My mother thought I was listening to music.She ____ (get) mad at me. Did your mother like listening to music?这句话哪里错了 Tim was listening to music.Mother was cooking supper(While)连补充说明(Rewrite the sentences)(Join the sentences into one) She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall.如果是动词为什么不用过去时态?.请分析这个英语句子:She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall:这个句子中的open是动词还是形容词? She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall.可不可以是be opened?Open与be opened 如果都对,那个更好'.求详解.新概念原文是open 呐但是后面一句又说 was opened..怎么会是形容词呢、 She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall,这是新概念三原文,open的词性和成份子 nobody is around when this show is over 是哪首歌的歌词歌词好像是在唱nobody is around when this show is over,偶然在广播里听到的,一直找都找不到,没听多清楚,很清新的声音,有点像jason marz three time a week 怎么翻译 求When This Is Over歌词 歌手是China Forbes...急~! How long is it from your home to your uncle's house?哪里错了? Donit know why I have a feeling that you will one day left me I have a dream,that is one day there will be no wars in the world.No blood,no wounds,no deaths,no hate,only love and responsibility.We live together and love each other.There is no difference between us.,this is my dream,this my GREatest happiness翻 How far is it from your house to the park?怎么样回答 Believe me,maybe there will be one day,you will have new understanding of the unforgettable past:It's good that you are not the one accompanying me to the end. If one day you feel lost,please keep in mind that I will be right there .请帮忙翻译成中文. it\'s什么意思 why I smile?close you make me smile.的中文 why l smile ,close you make me smile . You make me smile The sun again will shine on you!forever shine in your 这个是别人给我的留言,应该是歌词, I will be here for you ,rain or shine 我越看越迷糊了! how far is it from here和your home 中间为什么用to为什么不用for,at,of one day i will shine bright eyes,scared of You will shine,but pain in my you will shine and so will your it's的中文意思 It's tasty的汉语意思 It's Pink hello it's me 的中文意思不用谢 没关系 的英文