
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 22:03:26
若P(x-2,x+1)在x轴上,则点P到原点的距离为? 有图,好人有好报♥ 初中英语34. Can you give me some sdvice on ____ to improve my Chinese?A what B why C how 请翻译句子和选项并加以说明原因谢谢 was so serious a matter that i had no choice but_____the police为什么不可以选择calling in 而要选择to call in我英语不好啊谁能帮我解释一下, 求指导 that was so serious a matter that I had no choice butthat was so serious a matter that I had no choice but _____the policeA) called in B)calling in C)call in D)to call inA错在哪里 前面不都是 was had 这样的词吗 Never mind ,I am still by your side ,still .. 微积分求 立体体积我想知道遇到算体积首先应该是干什么,是画图还是用公式.有没有什么通俗易懂的方法.绕X轴旋转和绕Y轴旋转有什么区别?再请帮忙算两题y=2x-x^2 ,y=x,绕X轴x=y^2 ,y=x^2 绕Y轴 用微积分方法解立体图形的体积求此图形和y=1,x=0围成图形绕y=1 后形成新图形的体积 用微积分求出的立体体积的精确度是多少? 请问祖父的园子作者是谁 外祖父的园子作者是? 《祖父的园子》中作者回忆了那三件事 紫藤萝瀑布以什么的感情变化为线索,描绘了什么,抒发了什么,阐发了什么的人生哲理, noon在前面加的介词是at 那on a hot noon为什么不用at? I’m going to see him ____ noon tomorrow.介词填at还是on? 用let us引导的句子,反意疑问句应是什么为什么不是Will we noon的前面用at 或in 或不要介词 现代句子“不懂就不要乱给别人意见”翻译成文言文句子…有人会吗 不由分说 身无分文 流连忘返 刻骨铭心 一如既往 溜之大吉选择上面中的两个成语写一段话. (流连忘返、身无分文、溜之大吉、忐忑不安、刻骨铭心、十指连心、怒目圆睁、不由分说、一如既往)选其中两个四字词语各造一个句子. 流连忘返,身无分文,片甲不留,溜之大吉,来之不易,川流不息,不由分说,刻骨铭心.选2个写1段话 非字的笔顺怎么写 he can not find the trip air relaxing was the怎么连词成句? The boy can find his way home.(变为否定句) 组句子;trip,air,relaxing,was,the 英语翻译1.原来杨修为人恃才放旷,数犯曹操之忌 2.佯惊问:“何人杀吾近侍?” 3.操因疑修谮害曹丕,愈恶之. If I said,I can not do without you,would you believe Whatever others said,I believe you…… hope you will not disappoint Whatever you believe,I negative positive believe.Whatever you believe,I negative positive believe. But whatever I did and said,they had would never believe me forever.有语法错误吗? Mr Black isn't in the office.Heis ___ holiday in America.A.at B.by C.in D.on要写出为什么。