
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 14:36:45
三峡作者郦道元,三峡指的是.文中与与朱元思书中急湍甚箭猛浪若笨的机句子是?我晕,谁帮我找找啊,我很忙滴,没空 帮忙说个动物名(3个字的)比喻不要脸的人的例:比喻外强中干的人:纸老虎比喻不劳而获的人:寄生虫比喻替人受过的人:替罪羊(不用说也知道) 比喻不要脸的人,是什么动物?比喻见风使舵的人------变色龙. would like (give,make)a birthday card for your mother-- 是不是填gove be in need的意思 be in 好多人都说兆佳氏比胤祥小,可是我查百度百科是兆佳氏比胤祥大.到底是谁大?百度百科上说兆佳氏是康熙二十五年农历九月(阳历1686年10月)生的,而胤祥是康熙二十五年十月初一(阳历1686 当别人骂我是猪时怎样反驳 别人骂你连猪都不如你怎么反驳? 变色龙 契诃夫写军大衣有什么意义 连词成句:would,I,it,thought,mother,like,my 一般哪些字的部首是今或令 谁给一个高中英语必修5的听力材料q1006604881 好词好句500篇摘抄急 高中英语必修1至4课后单词听力材料. My friend often(经常)【 】(piay)tennis 英文题 The manager put down the phone ,with the solution to the problem.satisfied satisfying to be satisfied having satisfied There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means ________trouble.A making           B to make    C to have made       &# 英语 (2 9:34:37)虚拟语气的用法 what she did has move lots of people across the country move across中文什么意思 求原创英文诗歌.至少20行,单词不用太难,有简单押韵就可.最好是主题简单易懂的诗歌,如friendship,love等等. 翻译how does he learn when he doesn't understand 翻译一句话~~:How does...How does "the CEO" fit into the organizational structures of a business? 请问这句话的意思及用法.The dog lived across the country. he moved across the country 中文意思,麻烦各位大侠,谢谢 谁知道《BIG ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN》这首歌的中文名字和歌曲背景知识? 怎样可以让小孩打好英语基础? 如何打好英语基础? 怎样才能打好英语基础 怎么打好英语基础 怎样打好英语基础,需要做些什么?