
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 12:46:44
每天花在看电视的时间 英文 the time spent (还是spend)watching TV every day每天花在看电视的时间 英文 是the time spent watching TV every day 还是the time spend watching TV这是短语 How much time do you often spend ___English every day?A.practising speakingB.to practise speakingC.practising to speakD.on practising to speak if 、英语中的如果..那么..句型、例如: 如果明天天气好我们就去长城、 如果这星期天下雨我就呆在家、 IF 打头的、 英语句型是什么? 急用.. 自己不动,叫天何用 翻译成英语 英语翻译翻译成英语,说明句式,划分句子成分. 英语,我需要一些句法,语法的应用等等,不要太复杂.比如说怎么改现在分词,怎么改疑问句,怎么改第三人称等等等等,就是英语小学阶段的一切语法,句法,根据各种条件改单词,改句子等等,PEP教 求一首简单的英文儿歌.要一首英文儿歌,尽量短一点,要好听一点的. --你每天花多少时间看电视?--不到半小时--_____ ____TV do you watch every day?-- ____ ____ half an hour 填表示看的词语 这里的书太多,稍微( 得花半天的时间. 关于口香糖的小调查最近我正在做一个关于口香糖的探究活动,现在只需要你花一点点的时间,帮我完成一个小调查好吗?1.你喜欢吃口香糖吗?A喜欢 B 一般般 C讨厌2.你经常吃口香糖吗?A很经常 B 英语翻译Directions:You are inviting your friend to dinner tonight and have made a reservation at a restaurant.you will write a note to your friend and inform him/her of the dinner arrangement you have made.your note will include the following inf 两道英语句型转换1.Don't play with fire.(保持原句意思)__________ ___________play with fire.2.If there is no electricity,fire will be very inconvenient.(保持原句意思)__________ ___________,fire will be very inconvenient. 两道英语的句型转换1.Where else can you see this sign?(同义句)_______ ______ ______ ______ can you see this sign?2.what else do you want?(同义句)_______ ______ ______ do you want? 两道英语句型转换,1、I know (a little) about robots.(就括号内提问)( )( )do you know about robots?2、Miss King watched Bill help a blind man just now.(改为被动语态)Bill was( )( )help a blind man just now. 1.The boy in blue is 15 years old.The boy in red is 15 years old,too.The boy in blue is as_____ ______the boy in red.2.I woke up after I heard the alarm clock.I _______ woke up _________ I heard the alarm clock.第2题中是 Woke Up~不是Wake up 要 两道英语句型转换踢They usually have lunch at school at 12:30(at school at 12:30划线提问)He usually sends three or four emails to his friendsd on Sunday(three or four划线提问) 求一首英语儿歌的歌曲名,有文件,英语好的来可以先试着听几句,搜搜索下, 英语翻译题目是Eentsy Weentsy Spider.我绝对没打错...着急昂...要给妹妹讲的, 求英文儿童歌曲,语声可爱,雉嫩中文儿歌英文版不要.最好是可爱些的,不要太抒情,儿童行业商场用的. "健康零食,零负担"翻译成英语,. Betty and Kitty are twins.They’re 12 years old.They look the same.But they have different hobbies.Betty likes collecting stamps.She has many beautiful stamps.They’re from different cities and countries.But Kitty likes growing flowers.The flowers 酒吧零食翻译英文,谢谢.在线等.帮帮我.干果类:1鱿鱼丝,2开心果,3话梅,4山楂片,5瓜子,6爆米花,7香蕉片啤酒类:午夜战士啤酒,纯情啤酒,百威啤酒,喜力啤酒,科罗娜啤酒, 青岛百年啤酒, 新目标英语八年级上册56页1a中的最后一个vivian的那个写一两句话!例如:Sarah is a famous tennis table player,she can play tennis table very well.注:Vivian是一个美术家,最好写成,薇薇安是一名有创造力的美 零食的英文怎么拼 零食的英语怎么拼 不应该吃那么多零食用英语翻译 “廉洁文化进校园”童谣 关于廉洁、诚实的童诗童谣廉洁、诚实,两个都要长一点 英语小短文,根据你在“十一”大假中的某一天的活动,写一则日记,字数70词左右 关于保护牙齿的儿歌、童谣、警句 根据短文内容...用quick,what,with,name,complain,feel,special,against,hear,understand,celebrate,before的适当形式完成短文,其中有两个词多余.Do you really care about your parents?(1)_____this question,most of you may give a quick a 学法童谣和格言警句采用青少年喜闻乐见的童谣或简短易懂的格言警句.童谣不超过200字,格言警句不超过50字.