
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/11/16 20:57:27
从“最好的工作是捉了苍蝇喂蚂蚁,静悄悄地没有声音“中看出人物怎样的特点这是初一下学期的第一课《从百草园到三味书屋》 急. 函数f(x)=x^2-1/x的上凹区间为 四个内角中有两对相等的四边形是平行四边形 这个命题错了吗? 四个内角都对应相等的两个四边形一定相似吗?为什么? 已知tana=1求sina乘cosa 若四边形的四个内角之比为1;2:3:4,则这四个内角分别是 已知sina乘tana=1.则cosa=? 八仙过海中的八仙是指谁? 曲线y=6x-24x^2+x^4的凸区间为?(答案是(-2,-2) 文字底下一丿一个示一丨是什么字 怎么读 曲线y=³√x 的向上凹区间是_______,向下凹区间是______.我个人认为是向上凹区间是首先y'>0因为向上是增函数,得(0,+∞),然后是凹的,所以为y''>0得(-∞,0)最后的向上凹区间为(-∞,0)U(0,+ 四边形外角与内角的关系 曲线y=xe^(-x)的凹区间为 Y=X立方+6X平方-16的拐点坐标 按照丶一丿丨的顺序写出的字念什么 最好给我打出来我在成绩单上看到的 确实有这个字 木木丿丿丿念什么字 丿读什么?... 英语翻译When Johnson called again,the manager received him very politely.“That is a most remarkable oil you brought us,Mr Johnson,” he said.Johnson nodded his smooth,dark head.That was something he knew very well.“I’ve never seen anything 英语翻译 英语翻译Going for a walk is common in Britain,but it is just not part of the American idea.An English traveler who was just walking along the road in Los Angeles was questioned by the police because it seemed so strange that he should be doing th 英语翻译 了加一捺 念什么? 了加一捺怎么念 英语翻译The young policeman,Constable Rider,walked more quickly than usual,because of the cold,but he didn't consciously neglect any part of his work.His torch flashed on doorways and windows and as he looked for anything that was at all suspicio 英语翻译There are different ideas about pets in different parts of the world.In most cultures,animals are in a worse position than human beings.In some cases,however,people treat their pets like members of their families,or perhaps better.In the 八仙过海的哪八仙 1) (2x+1/3)=2- (x-2/2) 2) 2(x-1)/3=x-1 3) 1+(3-x/2)=(x+4/3)-2 4)(x/0.7)-(0.17-0.2x/0.03)=1 “八仙过海”中的八仙指张果老 汉钟离 曹国舅 蓝采和 何仙姑 吕洞宾 韩湘子 铁拐李张果老 汉钟离 曹国舅 蓝采和 何仙姑 吕洞宾 韩湘子 铁拐李 八仙过海中的八仙指哪几个仙 八仙过海的八仙是怎么排名的 帮忙翻译一篇阅读When you are learning English,listening,speaking and writing are important,but reading can also be very helpful.When you read,you can’t only learn some new words,but also you can learn how to use these English words.When 一种商品,先提价百分之二十,再打八折,这时售价288元,这件商品的原价是多少元?要清楚明了.