
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 09:18:53
大多数鸟至少有多少羽毛? 大多数鸟最少有多少羽毛500 1000 1500 2000是多少? He is very sane to everything. 英语翻译 Adam promised Eve a rose garden 如何增强班集体凝聚力和荣誉感? look,they'er[ ]your desk.怎么填zenmeban 英语翻译原文是Accustomed to the “New York” model of fiscal stress in older cities with an eroding tax base.我觉得eroding tax base应该是个专用名词,eroding是翻译成腐蚀?直译的话,不象样 优秀的文化塑造作用是什么最好有例子 tax cut如何翻译 请问Tax consideration是怎么翻译?Tax considerations on inter-company charges 是什么意思?谢谢 通过这次参加植树活动,是我们班集体荣誉感增强了,改病句 警察 这词是什么概念? 帮忙找一篇英语作文 introduce your favorite of interest 初一水准的,字别太多 要背的.写错了,是introduce your favorite place of interest to land on your 团结协作对班集体建设有什么作用? 民族团结在班级中的作用 请教一下关于类似don't touch nothing 这样的句型的用法的问题类似don't touch nothing!i never saw nothing.这样的句型和 don't touch anything,i never saw anything在意思上和用法上有什么不一样吗? don't touch的意思 英语理 tax bill 和tax deductible form都有表示税票的意思吗? don't do nothing是什么意思?并请提交例句 我想知道这是什么意思Company Federal Tax I.DI.D是指什么? Interest charges are tax deductible. 反义疑问句Lucy dislikes playing football,_______? let's go for a walk,shall we?怎么来肯定或否定的回答这个问题thanks for your answers.能不能用 no you'd better not. Let's go for a walk,shall we?肯定回答? Why don't you bring ____to his attention that you are too busy to do itA.thisB.thatC.itD.what我认为选B,为什么,. Let's go for a walk,shall 在大学里,怎样让同学都能积极参加班级活动?我们班一些同学老师不想参加班级活动,请问该怎么处理? 适合大学班级集体参加比赛的活动,我班一共28人,6个男生,想开展一个活动,类似话剧之类的让大家都可以参与进来 Be careful,don't drink that coffee yet,it's red hot!帮我翻译一下, the room is very hot,is that you Let's walk along the bund ,shall we?的回答应该是Yes,weshall.还是Yes,we do.还是Yes,let\\\'s.