
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 07:18:27
填反义词或近义词组成成语:生( )存( ) 千( )百( ) 以( )待( ) 手( )足( ) 成语()思()想 ()填近义词 世界真奇妙作文400 climb dowm the mountain中文意思 climb ___ the mountainaboveoutover through 世界真奇妙,怎么写 climb the mountain中间要加the吗还是 climb mountain 或 climb a mountain 含近义词千()百()的成语 My mother often makes me do my homework after supper .(改为被动句) I ____often ____to domy homework by my mother.谁若知道就告诉我, my friends and I often read newspapers ________ A.after class B.after a class c.after classes My friends often help me with_____(do) my homework I’m trying___the mountain. A.to climb B.climb C.climbing D.climabed 世界真奇妙 英文 I don't think you are right,反义疑问句 动物世界真奇妙英文如何拼写 \"I think you are right\"如何变一般疑问句 I think you are right.的反义疑问句i think you are right,aren't you?对吧. i dont believe you are right,后面的反意疑问句是什么 中学生英语口语竞赛一般问什么问题 无()无()补充词语,括号里填近义词 同义句改写:1.I often help my mother do the housework.I often help my mother__the housework.2.Tree同义句改写:1.I often help my mother do the housework.I often help my mother__the housework.2.Trees fight against air pollution.trees__ __ag why have not you accomplished your taskes yet?you______to finishi them last fri语法题 There is no time for breakfast .I want to take some biscuits为什么用for 而不是其他to 什么的原因 There is no time to have breakfast.写出同义句There ___ ____ time to have breakfast.横线上填上什么呀,为什么? Thee is no time___ breakfast.Ican take some bread ___me. There's no time for breakfast.(改为同义句)其实很简单,好好思考吧! 我眼里的世界真奇妙.把这个句子写具体 “不看不知道,世界真奇妙” 怎么翻译优美贴切?主要是想知道“真奇妙”这词怎么翻译最好? 一看吓一跳!今天无聊,玩了一场比赛,左手不断按着F4- -(可见我有多么无聊),结果发挥失常,搞了个第7= =那场比赛是2分30秒.我从一开始就按着F4截图.结果一看我的文档……59.6MB……然后打开一 世界真奇妙( ) 补充句子 请你在括号内填上恰当的字补充成语,然后有所填的字组成两句五言古诗(日)新月异 高瞻(远)瞩 白发(苍)苍 朝三(暮)四 (山)清水秀 (夜)不闭户 (风)调雨顺 视死如(归) 舍己为(人) (雪)中送炭 把所 I huan little milk .I want to buy some.意思1 Here is a book and a pen.2 Here is a book a pen and a pencil解释3 Here is sorne milk and .4 Here is an ereg解释