
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 16:49:58
在一块直径是10分米的半圆形中裁去一个最大的三角形钢板,这块钢板的面积是多少 要在一块直径2分米的半圆形钢板上取一个最大的三角形它的面积应该是多少?三角形面积是这块钢板面积的百分之几?(百分号前面的数保留一位小数) 直径为2分米的半圆形钢板上取一个最大的三角形,它的面积因该是多少?三角形的面积是这块钢板面积的几分之几 有一块半圆钢板,面积是18.84平方分米.张师傅想从上面截取一块面积最大的三角形,这块三角形的面积是( ...有一块半圆钢板,面积是18.84平方分米.张师傅想从上面截取一块面积最大的三角形, 要在一个半圆周长是10.28分米的半圆形钢板上截取一个最大的三角形.问:三角形的面积是多少?剩下多少的钢板? 在一块直径是2分米的半圆形钢板上截取一个最大的三角形 这个三角形的面积约占半圆面积的百分之几 谢谢 在一个直径是4分米的半圆形钢板上取一个最大的三角形,这个三角形的面积是半圆面积的几分之几? 在一块直径为2米的半圆形的钢板上取一个面积最大的三角形,取走了几分之几? 要在一块直径为2分米的半圆形钢板上取一个最大的三角形,它的面积是多少?三角形的面积是这快钢板面积的几分之几?答案能真确一点,清楚一点. 李华第一次买5支铅笔,第二次买9支同样的铅笔,第二次比第一次多花4.8元,两次共花多少元钱?数学应用题列方程解和算术方法两种办法解 买七支铅笔和三把小刀共用2.11元,买五支铅笔和六把小刀共用1.97元,铅笔和小刀的单价各是多少元快..急、、~ 以”铅笔、橡皮、作业本"编一个童话故事 小学作文、题目是、铅笔、橡皮、文具盒、写一个童话故事、 橡皮,铅笔、削笔刀写一片作文 用铅笔橡皮格尺小刀写作文 六年级下创编故事 用铅笔 橡皮 格尺 小刀 9分钱是1元钱的(),30分是1小时的几分之几? 8分钱是几分之几元 英语 介词 (16 19:28:59)Do you know the man who is standing -----------------------the window.  英语 介词 (16 19:26:57)1.The girl in red has been here ------------------ two hours ago.2.We had finished learning Unit 5--------------------- the end of last week.3.Please don,t talk ---------------- class.4.What should i do  英语 介词 (15 19:59:44)1.-------------------your help ,I passed the exam easily.2.The doctor will operate ----------------- the boy soon.3.The knife is made -----------metal and wood.4.The little boy cut the apple----------------half.5.Nothing ca 关于时间用什么介词.When will your brother go back to Shenzhen?He will go back __the end of this month.A.on B.that C .in D.to请大侠具体说明,什么情况用什么介词.选项B应为at,我写错了 求解:几道初三英语题,谢谢!1.Would you mind if I leave here now?—( ).You should wait for me.A.No,not a all B.Of course C.Certainly not D.Sorry,please do2.Mike,you seem ( )today.A.to be good B.like well 1.I could feel the earth s___ on the day of May 12th,2008.2,Would you like another cake?Thanks.I am f____.求答案+翻译 根据句意完成句中所缺单词:The house stands by ____ outside the village 1.There is___“u”and ___“h” in the word “hour” B h又不发元音,u也不发啊为什么选BA a;a B a;an C an;an D an;a2.This is ____backpack.____is on the desk.B A her;Your B my;His C his;Your D her;My Your后面不是可以跟名词吗 A) 用方框中所给词的适当形式完成句子.pronounce,different,mistake,face Tom came from the south of the country.In our language class,our teacher asked him (66)_______ the word but his (67)_______ was strange.We all laughed.Then the next 初三英语选择1.Don't cross the street unless the traffic lights ____ green.A.get B.come C.grow D.go2.Tony's parents kept telling him that he should study harder but ____ didn't help.A.they B.he C.it D.this3.--I'm afraid I can't finish the book i 初三英语选择,急!Though Jack is a boy,he write _____I doA as careful as B much more careful than C as carefully as D carefuller than 几道初三英语选择①I am ()sorry for what I have done.A.probably B.hardly C.nearly D.extremely②I am sure it()be a bird in the sky.A.mustn't B.needn't C.can‘t D.shouldn’t③What is behind that tree?There must be a dog ()beside 几道选择, 初三英语选择,帮帮忙,谢谢