
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 01:17:52
这是什么英语句型啊? the knowledge is not equal to ability which can only be acquired in practice If the man is only interested in your looks,_________ just shows how shallow he is.A.as B.which C.what D.that【分析】正确答案为D,注意逗号前是一个条件状语从句,逗号后是该状语从句的主句,that 在此代表前文所述的 vitamin C not only provides the ability to fight against disease,but also helps us build our body.这个句子是否应该倒装 This is a book about Shanghai.(对划线部分提问)划线部分:about Shanghai()()is this? 什么是行为动词,实义动词,情态动词,以及相关概念 “你的眼光很好”.“我会给你打折”分别用英语怎么说? 今天正好打折用英语怎么说 初中三年计划的周记,200字!写好一点,200字! 初中周记200字多一点点也行,急用. 初中周记200字 我的好习惯谁知道200字左右, 希望用我们服务能让你满意怎么翻译 如果您对我们的服务满意,请告诉您的朋友!如果您对我们的服务不满意,----这句话英语怎么说 求10偏100字左右在周记,要初中水平的 初中100多字周记 自我介绍 非谓语动词充当什么成分 非谓语动词担任什么成分判断 英语大神们来帮个忙啊! 八年级下册英语新支点同步经典仁爱版答案8单元话题2后的全部答案,卷子的全部答案.最好是28号以前,答得好我会再追加财富值的…… His schoolwork is better than ______in his class.请问这个空格中可不可以填 any other classmate's 或者 the other classmates'如果可以,请说说理由并翻译,谢谢 HIS english is better than ——in his classA anyone else B anyone else‘s C anyone’s else天哪一个? 八年级下英语新支点(人教版)试卷答案 His work is better than ().A.anyone B.anyone else C.anyone else's D.anyone's else.哪个是正确的, My English is better than him还是My English is better than his 用中文翻译第一句的英文? “多吃点”用英语怎么说快吃午饭了,你多吃点吧,要不也长不胖.注:是在食堂吃, China is a big country ___about 5000 years of history.A.with B.has C.that D.which His work is better than _____ in the class.A.anyone's elseB.anyone else'sC.anyone elseD.anyone's else's请问选哪一个. Australia is the only country that is also a contient 是什么句式 完形填空china is a great country with 5,000 years of history. 一个英文单词:china is not only a country,but also a ?发音好像是考特尼特,究竟是什么词? sit down的意思 Not only his parensts but also his grangfather _to a lot of places of interest in our country sincethey came here.A.has gone B.has been C.have gone D.have been我选D答案选A,为什么?