
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:46:41
关于中国古代洪荒时期的神话要上古洪荒时期的神话啊,介绍下有哪些大神,大神有什么传说的,大神都有哪些神器,神器都有什么由来、作用、结果,要系统点的哦神器,是说像东皇钟、河图洛书 洪荒时期神和兽有哪些 洪荒时期有几位圣人?鸿均说世上有九为圣人,他的门下有八位,除了三清.女娲.准提,接引,还有哪几个是圣人? 已知0 设x∈[2,8],求函数f(x)=1/2log(1/2)[1/2x]乘log(1/2)[1/4x]的最值,并求出相应x值 2log(b)x=log(a)x+log(c)x求证,c^2=(ac)^[log(a)b] My frend,Nancy,was always late for school(改为同意句)My friend ,Nancy ,____ _____ _____ late for school.In 1990,Miss Li went on a holiday to Beijing .She visited it again two years ago(合并为一句) it is reported that hte underground Line NO.3___in our city in 2010.(built) Gendo has drawn a line in the sand and all that is left is for SEELE to 怎么翻译呀~:please advise consignee name and address to be quoted on cargo receipt.不知道怎么翻译,谢谢其实挺奇怪的,这是在信用证业务中,国外银行问的,其实,不是应该出口方和进口方之间联系麻, 英文保函的翻译:原文如下: We hereby request you to release the below mentioned container(s)/cargo 如果x是一个三位数,现在把数字1放在它的右边,这样得到一个四位数,则这个四位数是? he's sam and amy's friend. John is Sam and Amy's friend.是否有语法错误? 啥意思?Pls advise courier A/C for sending,请问这句是啥意思?谢谢! 求翻译英语Would you please advise which courier has been used for this delivery? 这句英语有错误吗? 英语翻译Pls advise courier type of the packages. Will sent the courier driver right tomorrow morning and will advise further shipping details 什么意 郁金香怎么养殖呢?我刚买的郁金香开完花后怎么叶子都黄了 不等式组2(x+1)<0 2x-1≦0解法 x^2+2x=0 这道一元二次的解法 A friend of ___came to visit my family last week.(I) Lucy went to shanghai to visit her friends _____july 25th last summer.是用介词in还是on呢?为什么? I went to visit an old friend of mine.这一句中怎么分析句子成分?是I作主语,went作谓语,to visit an old friend of mine作状语?还是I作主语,went to visit 作谓语,an old friend of mine作宾语?我已经彻底混乱了, 英语翻译我们不应该违反游戏规则(break)养这样一只宠物,有什么好处和坏处(adcantage)收到女儿的礼物让他很开心.(make sb +adj)事情进展不顺的时候,他总是鼓励我不要放弃(encourage) 求这句英文的中文翻译!I'd rather get all the rebreaking done at once 英文和中文都优秀的童鞋进,All the Memories, All at Once,这句话怎么翻译? 英语翻译no further He was born with perfect pitch,a tanlent shared by only one in 10000 people. 阅读理解求答案,急I was born with a kind of illness — my arms are shorter.In people's完形填空 先通读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空.I was born with a kind of illness — my 英语翻译Please find below current status of all the aluminum billet items we ordered to you.Those with empty status means we have not yet received samples.Attached are 2 reports. 已知椭圆C:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1 (a>b>0)的右焦点为F(1,0),左、右顶点分别为A,B,其中B点的坐标为(2,0),求椭圆C的方程