
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 13:45:34
she watches TV at home every day改为一般疑问句 婚前试爱英文插曲叫什么名字 有一种专门送给爱的人的糖,英文名字的.谁知道! 英语翻译 there are hundred million people,I jjust love you. My Secrets Of Happiness 英语作文 There is no doubt that many young people are deep in love with computers 帮忙翻译下, Money is very important,but it doesn't mean e_____. Money is important,but not e___填空Money is important,but not e___This p_____ says"I will be an engineer in ten years"He t_____that computers would never be used by most people Money is important,__it can't buy everything. Do you think money is very important?why?不需要太长 Money is very important for me翻译成中文 速求以My View On happiness为题写120词英语作文题目就是标题要快 发明电子计算机的最初目的是什么 电子计算机的发展要计算机从古至今的发展史, "for one seven seven four Three Eight seven"是什么意思,有什么深层涵义吗? Coffee has been a part of people's lives for the thousands of years. 求答案Thousands of years ago,people did not know 36 to make a fire.Thousands of years ago,people did not know 36 to make a fire.When it was very 37 at night,they could not sleep well.Sometimes lightning hit(打,击) a 3 请英语阅读能力好的指点!America is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people i第54题 America is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or older. Today, 10 out of ev 电子计算机的发展动力是什么 The warwent on for years,___ killing thousands upon thousands of people .这个句子逗号之后的那句话不是一个完整的句子么? 电子计算机的发展历史是怎样的? 不含人工色素,香精,化学防腐剂的润唇膏哪个牌子好 这个夏天,幸福已至.这句话的英文怎么说? 关于夏天在海边的五句英语短句 我的幸福 MY HAPPINESS怎么样 请问《念想》的英文该怎么写? 食品里含有的"食品添加剂" ,"激素","色素","香精" 用英文怎么说,另外,"鸡精"的英文是什么 食用巧克力香精 英语怎么说 夏天来了英文怎么说 夏 用英文怎么写 FOUR+FOUR=ELGHT和THREE+FOUR=SEVEN怎么解这道题?{是数字}如题