
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 16:20:36
怎样才能使不锈钢的煲底变回原色?因为不锈钢煲使用时间长了,煲底多了层黑乎乎的东西,怎样洗也洗不出,请问有什么办法使煲底变回原色呢? S1的不锈钢边框是黑色还是原色的.期待黑色边框.这个直接影响到是否值得等待. 红铜烧过后变黑了,怎么恢复原色?谢谢大家.不要用磨的,放在冷水里之类的. 国内的生物制药厂有那些 中国哪些地方生物制药厂比较多? 初中酸碱盐溶解表背法口诀 .第一句是“溶碱有五位.”一个比较长的口诀 .. 2个亚铁离子用化学用语表示谢谢! 木炭还原氧化铜要不要棉花? 背酸碱盐是否溶于水的口诀有什么用,请举例 麻烦问一下,酸碱盐的溶与不溶的记忆口诀是什么? The woman who he fell in love left him after a few weeks.请问这里的left 有例句最好了 Money isn,t everything中文是什么 Our sports meeting will ____ in a few weeks .这道题为什么选A A.take place B.be happened C.happen 刚看见一个句子money isn't everything,but lack of money isn't anything这个句子有错吗还是后面改为 is anything?后面为什么不是 is anything? The meeting___a few weeks after he had arrived from Australia.A.occurred B.was happend C.was taken place D.was occurred After resting in sydney for a few weeks,Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends'attempts to dissuade him.这句话谓语是set off还是attempts to?of后面为什么跟了句子,不是跟名词或代词嘛? money isn't everything还是anything money is everything and knowledge is of no use.of起什么作用?不用of为什么不可以? 攀谈中的攀是什么意思? 攀谈的攀的意思 攀山越岭的攀是什么意思? 皮革喷浆产生废气的主要成分.急. The students will have more discussions like this in the weeks ______.A.to be coming B.to comeC.comeD.coming为什么 焚烧医疗垃圾烟气量怎么算?一吨产生多少废气? what anything else wouid you like in two weeks和after two weeks有什么区别?详细一点 after two weeks 和 two weeks later 有什么区别吗(用法上)> they ______(success) in designing the CD-ROM after working hard for two weeks 人们常用什么比喻.解放军和记者呢? it is two years ____they left thecountry A.afterit is two years ____they left thecountryA.after B.before C.until D.since这个应该选哪个.请把原因说清楚其他的呢。为什么不选其它的。把每个用法说清楚。 They came back after two weeks这句话对吗 英语改否定句,一般疑问句急Tom did his homework yeseterday They stayed in beijing for two weeks