
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 15:49:29
歌词:It is time to say goodbye,I know it make you cry,you make your destiny,求歌名!谢 Mary ___(write) a book last year,but I don't know whether she has finished it. 一篇英语写动漫的作文我是初二的,单词最好是一般是学过的那种 英语翻译Abstract— In this paper generation and transmission expansion planning of IEEE 300-BUS TEST SYSTEM using equivalent load duration curve is studied.To this end,equivalent load duration curve for each electricity region is calculated for When you get the paper back,pay special attention to what have been marked.what后面不是应该用has么、为啥用have捏、= = ||| pay attention to pronunciation when you learn a foreign language为什么pay不加ing 台湾火烧寮降水多的原因 what is DIY? 台湾 火烧寮为什么叫火烧寮? what is DIY exactly 同义句转换____ ____DIY____exactly? 台湾火烧寮东西哪边降水多为什么 DIY is very popular in china uow,do you know what it is?yang chen works阅读理解的答案 台湾北部的火烧寮年平均降水量达6557.8毫米,是我国的“雨极”,从季风和地形因素分析其形成的原因.:①火烧寮位于台湾山脉东北端,除西南方海拔较高外,其西、北、东、东南等地势逐渐向 What is it? 火烧寮的降雨类型是地形雨吗 When you get you r paper back,pay special attention to ( what) have been marked.为啥不用which表示一个范围 表范围的具体是怎样 高中生如何提高作文写作水平? Mary is three years old.Lucy is six years old合二为一We live in the south of China 改为同义句 Mary is 10 years old,I am 12 years old.合为同一句要尽快Mary is ----- ------- ------- than me what is the temperature?怎么回答(25摄氏度) 《苟巨伯探友》里,苟巨伯的身上有什么优秀品质? 在《苟巨伯探友》里,并,遂,遂是:“遂班军而还”里面的 并是:“一郡并获全”里面的不要给我把全文的意思都翻译出来了! 苟巨伯探友答案 苟巨伯探友苟巨伯远看友人疾,值胡贼攻郡.友人 语巨伯曰:“吾今死矣,子可去少巨伯曰:“远 来相视,于今吾去,败父以求生,岂苟巨伯所 行邪门贼既至,谓巨伯曰:“大军至,一郡尽 空.汰何男 改写句子,保持原意.Tom is so young thathe can't look after himself.改写句子,保持原意。I don't like to do the laundry because it's boring. 苟巨伯探友之意 what is it和what it is同样吗?或者说哪个说法正确··· your pencil?a是what is b是what color is c是what isyour pencil?a是what is b是what color is c是what is color d是how color what is it ? 陈太丘与友期和苟巨伯探友有怎样的不同之处 形容看起来不是很清楚的成语 求一组字面意思看起来相近,但实际意思差距很大的成语.或者常用但容易用错的成语