
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:31:40
I never thought that English would be so difficult如何理解这是虚拟语气吗? 把pop.tags翻译成中文是什么? M:Who would have thought that by the time he arrived,we’d have left?W:I feel badly.I said we’d wait for him.Q:Why is the woman unhappy?A:They didn’t wait for the man有什么特定短语吗?we’d have left是什么的缩写,第二句中we’d 把艾滋病通过DNA重组技术拼接在感冒病毒上容易吗?艾滋病会变得拥有感冒病毒的特性吗?RT 艾滋病毒会改变遗传基因吗如T.遗传基因是DNA,存在与染色体上面.而艾滋病毒攻击T淋巴细胞的时候会将RNA复制到淋巴细胞的DNA上面,这样会改变人体的遗传基因吗? 艾滋病病毒是dna还是rna病毒 艾滋病毒病毒的核酸与大肠杆菌的dna相比,在组成上有哪些不同? 带有颜色 英语句子带有颜色的英语句子有哪些 《过零丁洋》中有句诗用了两个带有感情色彩的地名抒写文天祥当时的心情,这个句子 翻译most people do not give much thought to the tirt that builds up on their computers 宾语从句he thought that thatwas a washing machine.中的第一个that是否可以省略? 五个宾语从句 一个句子 求 快 哪些英语句子开头,要用宾语从句就是,一句话中不是不能有两个谓语动词的嘛,那么在什么情况下,要用宾语从句。哈 英语翻译1、Can you tell me where you live it 2、Can you tell me how far do you live 把这两个句子转成宾语从句. 1人类白化病症状是基因通过控制蛋白质的结构直接控制生物体的性状来实现(为什么不对?) 囊性纤维病是基因通过控制蛋白质的结构来直接控制生物体性状的么? 下列有关基因控制生物性状的实例分析,属于直接通过控制结构蛋白合成来控制性状的是?白化病苯丙酮尿症囊性纤维病豌豆粒型还有什么结构蛋白以上 基因,蛋白质,和生物性状之间是什么样的关系? 关于颜色的英语句子 说法错误的是哪个?A基因可以决定性状 B蛋白质结构可以影响性状C基因控制性状是通过控制蛋白质合成D蛋白质可以控制性状是不是要考虑 性状=基因+环境 尽量分析下 英语翻译翻译They also show quite clearly that computers are seen by most young people as little more than game machines my father goes to work by bike改为特殊疑问句 英语中表达情感的常用句子 要句比较好的英文句子,谈感情的~ 这两个英语句子表达的感情有什么区别1.you ( shouldnt have been criticizing) him so severely;you should be tolerate .2.you (should't have been criticized )him so severely;you should be tolerate .疑问:括号里的句子表达的感 请问这个句子表达了一种什么感觉?(英语)"he never should have said good-bye."never should have I am going to take a plane to Beijing.(保持原意) i am going to take a trip 改成一般疑问句 根据首字母将句意补充完整 I am going to take part in the singing a c( ) It's generally believed that teaching is ____ it is a science.as an art much as 还是 as much an art as It is generally believed that teaching is_____it is a scienceA.as are much as B.much an art as C.as an art much as D.as much an art as为什么是D it is generally believed thatbelieved 为啥要加ED