
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 13:53:32
obviously发音问题'ɑbvɪəsli] v的音,发音软件是一点都听不出,是不发么? obviously 与apprently的区别 I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella.( ) I got wet through.中间的句号是不是应该为逗号?A.It's the reason B.That's why C.There's why D.That's because .dat 是什么文件呀~ dat 是什么文件 be popular with 和be popular among 的区别/? What's___(this)over there?It's a car. 家校e联的定义是什么?网通家校e联的定义 中国电信e家含义有那位兄台能详解中国电信的e6.e8.e9分别是什么含义. recent是什么意思? obviously 怎样读这个单词,最好用汉字的谐音告诉我,谢谢了.跪求~~~~~~ on the waves 是什么意思 I want the hands什么意思 recent places是什么意思 To Didi you!Recent annoying! downloadserverneedfilelist.我家电脑在下载迅雷的时候,总是会弹出这个东西,所以经常下载不成功, surprised and excited,Tom came on the stage and kissed his daughter我想问下,在这一句话里的 surprisd and excited 前面是不是省略了什么东西?可不可以是being surprised and excited 为什么? 填单词 b_ _ y _n 能填什么字母呢?什么中文意思? Y B H B N 这几个字母好想再告诉我什么.打错了,应该是:Y G H B N What's his age 的同义句 What's Linda' age怎么改同义句 We enjoy staring at them,entranced☆ as they go about their business,unawaWe enjoy staring at them,entranced as they go about their business,unaware (we hope) of our presence.句子成份是什么?由其是 unaware (we hope) of our presence. We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they go about their business 求 entranced 这里的作用谢谢 We enjoy staring at them,entranced as they go about their business.entranced是什么用法是和enjoy相同用法吗,怎么和enjoy的时态不一样 【英语】I'm sure thet'll enjoy_______.A.them B.their C.themselves D.they如上. 关于与同学发生摩擦的作文即将毕业了,往事一幕幕一定时常浮现在你们的脑海里吧!回忆一下在和同学的相处中发生的摩擦,然后动笔写一写 怎样和同学友好相处的英汉作文 I don't want to nice to you.还是I don't want nice to you? My car runs as fast as,if not faster than,a raceMy car runs as fast as,if not faster than,a race car.神翻译 My car runs ______than yours.A.quick B.quicker D.faster catch you later 下一句一般怎么接 We just won the match.有错误吗,在哪?