
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 14:41:13
join in和take part in有区别吗?参加比赛应该用什么动词? take part与take part in有没有take part单独的短语?如果有它和take part in有什么区别? “参加运动会”是take part in sports meet吗?另外,“参加”可否用别的动词? 【英语作文】假如你是某中学的学生,在今天的英语课上,外教布置的作业是对你班同学如何使用电脑进行调查·假如你是某中学的学生,在今天的英语课上,外教布置的作业是对你班同学如何使 英语翻译Bulletin de notes :Bac Scientifique Carte Nationale d'Identité Préinscription dans un Etablissement d'Etudes Supérieures en France 来源于法国的法文!法文翻译 “源于法国”的法文怎么写? 英语语法ing问题.she did occasional work for the other,sketching a lot of whales,dragons,castles and mythical animalssketching 是什么用法,本人很笨,请说得详细点,she did occasional work for the other company,sketching a lot of whale "你对法国有哪些了解?" 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成法语 ... 英语语法 本句中的their models being.为什么是being?用are 行不行?The painting shows a serious-looking man and a woman standing alongside him in front of a farmhouse,their models being respectively the painter’s dentist and sister.本 英语语法题,求助ingThe nurse suddenly______ill from the same disease.a)fallb)fellc)fallsd)fallen详解~~~The drink machine is _______to the bathroom.a)nextb)besidec)alongd)behind为什么呢?详解~~ enter,join,join in,take part in的区别和用法 ----(play) basketball is my hobby. My hobby is to play chess为什么这里可以用to,这是什么结构,能不能将to提前 "My hobby is playing /to play basketball .用那个好. my hobby is play basketball这句话对不对 If you could go back in time,which era would you like to go back to? If you could go back in time and meet famous people from the past,who would you like___?A.talking with B.having talked with C.to talk with D.to have talked with大家看哈这个题,但我觉得C也可以.你的认为呢? If you could go back in time and change a moment in your past,what would that be and why?把我想一个回答,30秒时间左右.,不要太长.We always learn our lessons from our failures,what's one failure in your life that you learn most from your How cool it would be if time could go back!I 'd like to keep you company foreve的中文意思是什么? 高三了,英语语法很差应该怎么办? 描写夏天景象的一首词所谓词,就是像《如梦令 常记溪亭日暮》一样的词,必须是这类的! 简述冯.诺依曼型计算机的组成和工作原理 雌雄狮子 分辨好像听说过头上很多毛的狮子反而是雌性,少毛的是雄性,还是没有辨别的标准 动物狮子是如何区分雌雄的? 佛前狮子有雌雄之分吗 100字以上 有谁知道以”夏”字为开头的诗句 看起来明亮又干净用英语怎么说 明亮 用英语怎么说 使人们笑的更加灿烂 用英语怎么说? 没有我,你的世界是不是干净了许多,用英语怎么说 写出下列动词的ing see swim study buy eat write take sing run read