
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 18:51:22
英语翻译我感觉应该用 what about the chance.that i get to use english.... play on the 改错 (1)This is an english lesson.(2)Now it is eight fiveteen 想法很坚定英语怎么说同上.用哪个词可以形容心情和想法的坚定? 举例说明英语里什么时候用“Work”,什么时候用“Works”? 他们俩彼此不认识 用英语怎么说 在银行工作,会用到英语吗? 银行工作人员的工作用英语写一篇短文 英语 这里划线句子怎么改为什么 ”楼兰古国“用英语怎么说? 心怎么叠 In China,traffic keeps on the left哪错啦 翻译救某人生命 we all think ____ very interesting to watch an english film.在这it it's 都可以填吗? we all think to watch an english film is very interesting 改为同义句we all think ()very interesting()()an english film 谢谢了 ___ the results for "watch TV",they are very interesting.A.Since B.Because C.As D.As for Mr king可以作为王老师的英语吗? 你想跟MR.KING通电话,可以说?用英文 放炮,贴对联,包饺子用英语怎么表达 -What is your h_______like?-He is a friendly man. He always helps the students. 在中国,车辆必须靠右行驶.we must drive ___ ___ ___ ___ of the road in china 请问pleasant 和pleased 的用法?有什么区别吗?请举例 相濡以沫的解释. 如何解释相濡以沫? There is a small river running________my hometown填介词 Hit me one more When she got to the a__,the plane had taken off 13.When I got to the station,my1.When I got to the station,my friends ___________ (wait) for me.2.Most boy students have their hair _______(cut) once a month.3.Henry is____to____new ideas.A.impatient enough ;think of B.creative enough;come up withC.e 如何运用现在完成时和过去完成时求大神帮助怎么区分现在完成时和过去完成时 are you a new student here改肯定和否定句 be keen on的中文解释 谁能帮我写以How do dreaming and hard work contribute to success话题的2人英语对话