
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 10:36:42
I like going to the library reading books.这个句子对不?怎么改? iim going to-------books in the library怎么写? I'm going to the library ____the books.A.return B.borrow C.to return D.to lend要原因 l'm going to (look through the books)in the library.(对括号部分提问) 用英语怎么说 玛丽太高兴了,都说不出话来 in turn,这样的算什么词组.副词词组还是介词词组? Dear mum:Happy Mother's Day I love Dear mother happy birthday daughter love you Happy Mother's Day, I love you Mom.什么意思 Happy birth day!my dear mather!I will love you forever! Dear mommy,happy mother's day, 改为否定句 I like reading books. My borthers like reading books 改为否定句 嘴英文怎么说 嘴用英文怎么说 嘴用英文怎么说啊 居里夫人发现了那两种放射性元素,几度获得诺贝尔奖 居里夫人是怎样发现天然放射性元素 wish you as live as as strong as as happy as happy every daywish you as live as as strong as as happy as happy every day这是别人给我发的有啥隐含的意思吗? wish my dear ,hey you!happy 七夕’s day.happy happy you and your love!翻译 嘴的英文是怎么拼啊 嘴用英文怎么拼 嘴巴用英文怎么拼 嘴用英语怎么拼 --When shall we hand in the exercise-books?--____sooner,____betterA.A,a B.A,the C.The,a D.The,theI've never seen ____interesting firm.A.such an B.a such C.an such D.such a答案分别是D和A, 改为双重否定句:这个故事使我感动的流下眼泪. when should i hand in my paper?you paper must __as soon as the bell ____A hand in rings B hand in ,will ring C be handed in;will ring D handed in'rings 为什么选D 别的答案不行 C哪里错了 这个故事使我感动得留下眼泪.改为双重否定句 我们应该什么时候开始工作?越早越好:when should we start to work?the sooner the better它的should为什么放在主语we的前面 when we should start work 第一句话为什么不是这样的 如果我这样说 这个故事使我感动得流下了眼泪 改为反问句 on the one hand we must study hard;on the ___ hand,we should exercise more. 这个故事使我感动得流了眼泪.改双重否定句