
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 13:54:01
英语中名词后跟动词的话要用什么形式,是不是加ed To avoid being late,call to( )the time and plTo avoid being late,call to( )the time and place of the meeting.A.confirm B.recognise C.consider D.reserve When is Easter?请用英文回答. 避免遇到是avoid being met还是avoid meeting? The problem is too hard.I haven't ( )the answer A.WORKED ON B.worked for C.worked out D.worked off在括号中填选项 It is the biggest year-on-year drop since 2005,making 2010 the second-lowest attended year of the decade.英语专四听力news, 求“The Same Fortunate Air”的贴切翻译.跪谢.翻译过来可能比较偏向恋爱方面.谢谢. 这个村子的人多半温文尔雅,彬彬有礼for the most part No hurry at all.The train will come in an hour;__,we can have l-unch.A.though B.meanwhile C.however D.while He prefers( )as a businessman so as to avoid being recognizeda.to dress b.to be dressed c.to be dressed up d.dressing为什么选c,要每个选项详细讲解的 The detective ___the murder case ____the body and ____the scene of the crime A,examing ,inspeected The detective ___the murder case ____the body and ____the scene of the crimeA,examing ,inspeected ,investigated,B,inspeecting examined,inspeected C,inv it is a case of fitting nations into existing frontiers .需要正确的表达. I had a great time for my may day holiday.这句对吗 这句话中的being是什么成分老友记里的台词,joy说:they're killing off one of the characters on the show and she dies and her brain is being transplanted into my body都懂,就是那个being不知道怎么用,而且台词有时候是 Being在这句话里是什么意思?充当什么句法成分?Television will also be used to enable customers to shop from the comfort of their homes by simply ordering via the TV screen,payment being made by direct debit of their credit cards. 请问这个句子中的being是什么成分?The painting's being in this place seems to steal the show.此句中的being 应该不会是进行时态的标志吧? 句中being作什么成分The village seemed deserted,the only sign of life ____ some trees waving ni the howling wind.A.were B.being C.was D.to be为什么不用were? 什么是第三者的定义..我是指恋爱中..能举一个例子吗.. 关于第三者及第三者介入的定义法律上有没有像定义重婚或者同居那样明确定义过第三者或第三者介入?若有,具体是哪部法律定义的?知道的人请赐教, 第三者的定义是什么?我都只说我对一个有女朋友的男孩子有点小感觉,我都没有踏出一步,没说一句不该说的话.居然被人说我是第三者,还不分青红皂白的说了一大通.郁闷,还匿名 ,有本事出来 Don't get off u__ it sops. 第三者的定义双方都有家庭,双方都是自愿,这样算第三者吗 椭圆面积求法的公式 有谁可以告诉我,第三者的定义是什么? HDOJ上1724 的关于椭圆面积的求法有一个标准的椭圆,x^2 / a^2 + y^2 / b^2 = 1 ,有两条垂直于x轴的线分别于x轴的左右两侧切割椭圆,求两先之间所夹的部分的面积如图:关于椭圆的面积是S = TT * A * B when the bus finally came I___at bus shop for 20 minutes 这个句子中的being 做什么成分 请帮忙做句子分析,尤其是being...后面的部分I can't really stand being treated like that.我简直受不了这样的对待. if you get into difficulty ,don't hesitate to ask ___ advice 椭圆面积是怎么求得? 求椭圆面积? 求椭圆面积的