
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 16:19:45
赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫这些颜色的物体对光的反射能力有多大能具体点的, 工地上放着两根质地相同的圆柱形木料,甲木料的底面半径是乙木料的2倍.乙木料的长度是甲木料的2倍.队长让技术员称一称两根木料的质量技术员只称得乙木料重60㎏,然后跟队长说:“甲木 make do 短语多来点 不是一个 是MAKE和DO make plans to do sth 还是doing sth i woke up with a start什么意思 15.The police_____(catch)the thief yesterday.15.The police_____(catch)the thief yesterday. 新概念三第二课中our vicar work up with a start为什么用work up?不是应该是过去时吗?纸质书上是woke up还是work up?我没有书是在网上下的电子版谢谢 新概念3册2课,armed with a torch,the vicar went up into the````因为主语是vicar,所以分词结构被wuzhu因为主语是vicar,armed with a torch作方式状语,armed表示被武装是吧?如果改成Taking a torch也是可以的吧? hours of instruction in school per day翻译汉语 英语翻译一直很奇怪这个翻译法,到后来看完了,最后结局那个震撼那!但是怎么动画和漫画情节都不一样?而且这款游戏没有地方能下载 which is the best?还是 which is best?最高级前面是要定冠词,但关键是best 后没有名词。 是Which dog is the best还是Which is the best dog哪个是对的 which is the best title for passage是什么意思 Which is the best title for this reading? 咖啡里的全糖 半糖 少糖 无糖用英语怎么说 animals are our best friends英语作文 英语作文80字 which animal are our best friends 写关于熊英语作文80字 which animal are our best friends 写关于熊猫的或者蓝鲸的 yesterday when i was going home ,i was a thief .So i ___ the police at onceA ghonedB ghoned forC talked D asked The police was watching the traffic at 12.00 yesterday这句话哪里错了? She went for a walk in the park .同义句 She ___ ___ in the park.这题怎么写,有错么, She often takes a walk in the park .改为同义句 She often ___ ____ ____ ____ in the park . There is only a little milk in the bottle.(改为反义疑问句) There is only a little milk in the bottle———— ——————? 1.The little boy didn't go far.He was playing b___his house.2.The man put a m___ on the tree in case of getting lost in the forest.3.The k___ is not sharp enough to cut the meat.4.Gary gave her mother a k___ to express her deep love to her mother las The little boy entered the house,unhappy.His mother was__36__cakes in the kitchen.She smiled as she__37__but stopped when she saw his face.”Tyler__38__ happened?Is.happen everything okay?” "Nothing is okay,Morn.”said the boy,” Today the police are looking for the thief这句话中be动词为何是are I noticed a little boy()at the corner when I walked past the houseA.cry B.crying C.cried D.to crt The boy is c___the house The police _____ (be) looking for the thief. the little boy lives in a new house 改为一般一般疑问句 The policemen are chasing the thief(变为被动语态) 螺旋管的压力是3.3兆帕应该用多大压力的法兰 学新概念英语的好处