
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:34:24
怎样写让父母开心的一件事? 你曾做过的让父母最高兴的一件事是什么?寻求一个回答 4铬不锈钢和9不锈钢锻打菜刀哪种材料好? 小于10nm的SiO2薄膜厚度怎样准确测量?热氧化生长的SiO2薄膜厚度小于10nm,用什么方法可以准确测量?据说比较难的样子! There is water all around the country,so people call it an island contry的意思 the water around the island could not be 这里的drunk不是醉了的意思吧?该怎么解释好呢 选一个旅游景区进行旅游地容量测算.这是我的《中国旅游资源基础》上的一道题,网上搜了半天搜不到,公式都有的,求给个具体列子计算过程! 求翻译一句话In ballast the ships draw around 12 metres (39 ft) of water船舶方面的懂的人来翻译哦 硅片检验基础知识?注意哪些问题和解决方法? 谁能知道名人名言用英语怎么拼? "列一个清单" 的英文怎么拼? 开幕式用英语该怎么拼 孔雀英文怎么拼 急 材料的断裂韧性用什么方式来测量麻烦告诉我 帮我翻译一下,不要翻译器的,谢谢!(二)CausesIn 2001, banks were deregulated in Iceland. This set the stage for banks to upload debts when foreign companies were accumulated. The crisis unfolded when banks became unable to refinance th 帮忙翻译一下,不要翻译器的,谢谢啦!A team of Icelandic negotiators arrived in Moscow on 14 October to discuss the possible loan. Russian deputy finance minister Dmitri Pankin said that "The meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere … 英语翻译潮汕沿海,盛产各类海鲜.依照靠山吃山靠海吃海的说法,潮汕有很多海鲜做的菜.除了有美味的鲜烹海鲜,还有更为鲜甜的生腌海鲜,潮汕人称之为毒药,例如:腌虾姑,腌蟹,腌虾,腌血蛤, 高二英语短文改错,急76.Many people ,especial young people ,like keeping pet 77.dogs ,so every one doesn't know how to look after them well .78.When you have a pet dog ,that is necessary to care for it carefully .79.Cleaning is the most import 什么是基因图距 RNA和染色体和DNA之间的关系,最好画张联系图 关于 factor的用法想表达“导致这个问题的有很多因素”,可以说There're many factors to this problem吗?factor to这样的搭配对吗?factor有哪些同义词? Henry was a carpenter(木匠)of our village.英语阅读理解Henry was a carpenter(木匠)of our village.Once I asked him to make a dining table for my wife.He made it just the right size to fill the space between the two windows.When I ar 要玩就玩个痛快,要学就学个踏实 出自那篇文章? 请问怎么培养扎实的文字功底?和写作水平怎样培养坚实的写作水平和文学素养!平时应该做些什么?最好帮我拟一份计划出来,计划要求切实可行!或者发至邮箱 世界上活的最长的是谁?活了多少岁? 第一张人类基因组基因图初步完成于什么时候 求人类基因组图谱(超大图) 2吨25千克改成分数 人类基因图谱是由几个国家 人类基因图谱可以买卖吗?那可以被版权化吗?或者被某企业买断什么的? 佝偻怎么读 佝偻的意思是什么,怎么读