
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 03:52:16
take it 我是在一个人的QQ的个性签名里看到的,所以我猜想可能是与人的情感有关 复合不定代词后可以加介词吗? 反身代词前还要加介词吗? 完形填空 介词和不定代词1.in fact,when women went out ___________public,they covered their faces and walked behind their husband.(填of 还是for,为什么?)2.many women want to take an active role in the economay.However,working reduces 把比赛正在进行扩句 “运动员参加比赛”扩句 "his schooling adds up to no more than 3 years"怎么翻译,school是什么意思? 英语翻译a whole lot more 是一个固定用法吗?是不是a whole lot 专门修饰比较级的?还有类似的用法吗? Tom was not happy at school at 12,he simply refused to go to school any more.翻译, 世博会吉祥物英语介绍不要太多 fifty years from now.we will take a __ to travel 英语翻译还有一些:把一种东西变成另一种东西会很浪费能源;It takes energy to_________;我们也应当买再生材料制成的产品,例如再生卫生纸,来帮助节省木材;We should also__________________________ Could you please ...和Could you...有什么区别 Could you please __________________?请你们保持安静好吗? 谁能帮我写一篇A Note的英语作文 重谢~谁能帮我写一篇A Note的英语作文啊, 急求一篇英语作文,重谢!作文标题是《my kichen>初一水平就行了!重谢! 为什么外国人看翻译成英文的中文会觉得奇怪? 英语翻译中午突然想到的,我们翻译用金山有道谷歌,老外要是看汉字怎么翻译成英文?按比划?偏旁?还是字的形状, 我的父母每天累得不想吃饭,不想说话,但他们仍然坚持辅导我的功课 英语翻译 不要软件的 It has taken the workers more than one year (build)the road. 工人们每天被迫工作12个小时以上 The workers _____ _____ _____ _____ more than 12 hours a day 英语翻译大概是关于这些词high-velocity flame spraying,high-velocity oxyfue spraying,plasma spraying,solution precursor,suspension 英语翻译乡:country,village,township镇:town村:village hamlet问题是在地图上标示的乡、镇、村该如何翻译?乡和镇是一个级别的,乡如何翻译?用于英文地图. 他有着小小的鼻子英语怎么说 英语翻译:在翻译地名时,村,乡,镇都应该怎么翻啊? 镇和村这两个字 用英语怎么翻译 My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate () you sometimeA hear from B to hear from C hearing from D heard from 求助英语好的同学,看一下我的作业1、(单选题) 2.My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate5、(单选题)They are considering _________ before the prices go up.A、of buying the houseB、with buying the houseC、 buying the 针对校园中存在的不文明、不和谐现象提出解决妙计.例如学生抽烟、喝酒、打架斗殴、顶撞老师、说脏话、随地乱扔垃圾、男女生交往不当等,提出你的解决妙计. More than seven hundred years ago,a 17-year-old ltalian boy travelled thousands of kilometres on首字母填空,文章 The Iraq war began more than seven years ago.more than在这里是什么意思呢? And the boy,who could not have been more than seven or eight years old,replied