
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 03:21:08
常见的化合物的除杂比如:FeCl2 (FeCl3),FeCl3 (FeCl2),NH4Cl [(NH4)2SO4],NaCl (NH4Cl),NaCl (Na2CO3),NaCl (NaHCO3),Na2CO3 (NaHCO3),NaHCO3 (Na2CO3),NaHCO3 (NaOH),NaOH (Na2CO3)需要除杂试剂和方法~ na原子共有几个电子分布在几个电子层上 能不能有硫酸铵检验出氯化镁 氢氧化钾(生成氨气)和氯化钡(白色沉淀)我认为可以的 检验亚硫酸根为什么要先加硫酸再加品红?还有氨水和哪类物质反应生成气体? 66.4to make a long___short,i will tell you the main idea of ita.questionb.problemc.wordsd.story 66.9there is not____ truth in what you saya.a bit ofb.bitc.a little ofd.little 66.6please let me know____you plan to do ita.whichb.thatc.whatd.if 66.5who has taken away my glasses?_____i can do nothinga.without themb.with thatc.without whichd.with no them 66.3my brother____said such a thing.He is an honest mana.mustn't haveb.need havec.oughtn't haved.couldn't have 关于原子结构 亚电子层 洪恩定则```例如:Cr铬24 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d4但怎么判断为3d5 4s1 是不是用洪恩定则 还是什么的 Cu铜29 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d9但怎么判断为3d10 4s1 Nb铌41 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s 有机物空间构型的判断方法 如何判断有机物顺逆时针构型太简洁了吧 初三怎么在一个寒假通过自己把英语80多提升至100分以上,考试中单项选择(固定句式、各种从句),短文填空以及作文时硬伤,总是这些丢分多! 怎样在高中把英语成绩从80多分提高到120多分?(紧急求助)如题 谢谢了 GNU是什么 关于化学物质检验的题目.将某气体通入品红溶液中,品红溶液褪色,该气体一定为so2吗? make distclean make smdk2440a con-fig 提示this program built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu怎麼解决,为什么会出现这个 59.10he jumped for joy___he heard the good newsa.whileb.the momentc.at the momentd.the moment when 单核阴离子的核外电子排布与同一周期的稀有气体原子的电子层排布相同这句话一定是对的吗?有没有可能是非金属元素得到电子,但是最外层仍然没有饱和?若有,举了例子呗. 59.3he told me that the meeting__the next daya.was to be heldb.being heldc.having been heldd.to hold 59.6they are used____their babies after supper every day,and this specially-made soap is used___babiesa.to wash,wo washb.to washing,to washingc.towash,to washingd.to washing,to wash 凡单原子形成的离子,一定与稀有气体元素原子的电子层结构相同.这句话对吗?如果不对,为什么不对? 59.5it is said that the____yesterday_____100.000_____the banka.thief caught.stole.fromb.thief caught...robbed...ofc.robber was caught.was robbed...fromd.robber was caught...robbed...of 59.12_____the letter,a smile came to her facea.having readb.after readingc.readingd.while she was reading 初中的英语、化学题(共2道)一、I'm playing,the others are reading books.others的这种句子中指的第一部分事物可以用单数吗,就像该句中的 I )二、物理性质扩散性、吸附性是什么意思? 求原矿高岭土价格,水洗高岭土价格.福建漳州原矿高岭土含量:二氧化硅76.87三氧化铝14.46氧化镁0.08氧化钙0.04三氧化二铁0.36二氧化钛0.07氧化钾4.61氧化钠0.56烧失量2.65;水洗高岭土:二氧化硅 怎么去除Na2CO3中的NaOH?应该是除去NaOH中的Na2Co3。怎么除? 怎么去除naoh中的na2co3 怎样去除Na2CO3中的(NaOH) 44.8____the stadium will be built will be discussed tomorrowa.if b.that c.where d.what 44.7he paid the boy 10 for cleaning the windows,most of___hadn't been cleaned for at least a yeara.theseb.thosec.whichd.them 44.5kenya is seeking a global ban___trade in the body parts of lions,which hunters take as trophiesa.for b.onc.aboutd.in