
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 03:30:18
你了解一些在地震中保护我们自己的方法吗?do you know the way()()ourselves()()我是小小翻译官你了解一些在地震中保护我们自己的方法吗?do you know the way()()ourselves()() 阅读谁发明了E-mail 阅读下面的e-mail,完成两项任务Dear Lily,   Now I am new here.I have learned English for only one year,so I can’t understand what the teacher says and I am afraid of talking with classmates in English.I know this is the most impo also在前还是can在前 是can also还是also can “can also”还是“also can” The earthquake that struck Haidi on January 13th .2010 made tensand thousands of people ( ) their homes.A.lose B to lose C losing D losed I also can do和 Ican also do哪个对 Is that to eat in or in or to take away ? 为什么加to,是不定式作表语? 语气怎么造句 Though the project may be beneficial in the long run,few people are __ it.A.in honor ofB.in memory ofC.in favour ofD.in search of 下列题目咋做 Yesterday.I( )a big surprise what( ) eat last sundoy?I ( ) hamburger this is the wind错误在哪 Fish may be caught in the river.改错 shares是什么意思 英语介词的填空____a cold morning_____a cold day_____cold days_____ cold winter days but do you know what the future really is.中really啥意思,为啥不用real? Jimmy came close to being killed in a traffic accident the other day.____?He was driving carefully all the time.A.When B.What C.Pardon D.How 应该选哪个呢?为什么? Is the tree getting bigger?改肯定句 the driver get close to------------in the traffic accidentA.kill B.be killed C.killing D.being killed 选哪个 Lots of people enjoy ___ parks and zoos(动物园).A:visit B:visiting C:to visit {3} let my heart back to a few years ago felt so helpless.接{2} predict the future argue with/have an argument with please be more careful with your spelling .Ain the future Bin future Cof future Dfor the future选哪个,为什么 getting bigger he is stubborn,so asking him to change his mind is a w____ of time.RT. he is very clever.he is proud of the______of his mind.a.problem b.odea.c height.d.furmiture选什么 simon is one of such people .he has his health in mind这句话是什么意思 I know it is diffculct of him to change his mind.帮忙改一个错误 It 's getting bigger and busier.若此句不是现在进行时 为何get要加ing? 1.personl private区别 系动词后是可以加adj.的 ,但可以加adv.较常见的系动词有哪些如题. 复数名词(主语)+系动词+adj,系动词用原型还是单三?To take me a lesson .You’d better forget my birthday on Friday.To take me 是什么结构?怎么翻译?