
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:51:21
be devoted to和devote to的区别 4又7分之2和1化成分母相同的假分数 —What do you think of the price of these computers?—They are at least equal in price to,if not cheaper than,_____ at the other companies.A.it B.onesC.that D.the ones然后讲一下为什么选那个答案. 分母是7的假分数有( ),其中最小是( ),最大是( ). 谁笑到最后,谁笑的最甜的英文翻译? 改下面几个英语句子中的错.When do you usually go to home?Have you ever been to city before?They live on third floor. 找这个英语句子的错误并修改What size bowl of noodles do you have?这个句子的哪里错了?该怎样修改(只能修改一个单词) 下面的英语句子有错误吗?该怎么改?1、He travels all day and all night.He never stop,never tired.2、He never stop,he never tired.3、This are some water in the glass.更改时,请说一下原因和理由可以吗? 请帮我修改下面的英语句子,哪里错了The passage briefly tells us that a family (that eaten fake food,had found) by neigbor and sent to hospital at once.括号的为老师画的有错误地方,请帮我修改下...随便找个英语老师 奉献于 devote to 需要用被动吗? 翻译:她把她一生全部奉献给教那些从农村来的孩子.(devote) 英语翻译:这位音乐家将一生奉献给了音乐(devote) 英语句子帮我改个错,I usually spend a lot of time on reading books 英语句子.They think have lessons at weekends is too bad.请问这句话有错吗?如果有,错误在哪里, 帮忙改几个英语句子的错1 You arrive a new park .The park ivery beautiful.2 In the people's park have many people.3 She think scarfs in for mom4 I went to there by bus .I took a bus went to mountains.5 There food was good 帮我改几个英语句子中的错1 I hope he will health soon2 His legs were hurt yesterday3 I will look him after school4 I wish him become will5 Today is April 9 Wednesday6 I will help he learns English 还有什么前缀可以把一个词转换成另一个词如前缀是un happy——unhappy 类似于happy和unhappy的反义词越多越好, 三国演义的主要内容和作者介绍?简短一点点的,不要很长的,如题.作者的可以多点 ,另外找个四川2区的哥哥,本人39J光♂邪,带我小号,帮我专职就行,60个蓝晶体. 三国演义内容简介(最好是几句话)请各位哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹叔叔阿姨爷爷奶奶们帮我概括一下三国演义的主要内容~本人有急用~ 请帮忙列出devote的用法及含义 并分别造两个句子 脑筋急转弯和简单的数学题 【英文版的跟详细】请尽量参考英文版.1,两位妈妈带着两位孩子去购物.她们在书店各买了1本邮集,但是当他们回去并数了数的时候,却发现了只有3本,这是为什么?Tw ,请用英语回答1.what were the events and ideas that led a revolution vanguard to declear independence from England in 1776?2.what were the ideological economic ,and other factors that influenced rebels and loyalists 来帮我总结一下devote的用法我看到过的两种用法是sb be devoted to 和devote oneself/one's life to sth/doing sth,还有没有其他用法,并帮我解释一下我前面说的两种用法 关于交通的英语作文哪个好心的家伙帮我写篇有关交通的英语作文啊!就这篇,3Q, 三万里河东入海,五千仞岳上摩天的翻译 关于devote的用法devote himself to后面加doing、还是do?我记得这个to是介词要加doing的好像…… devote to的用法请按照格式回答devote后面直接to devote to do还是doing 还是都可以devote sth to devote sth to do还是doing还是都可以devote oneself to devote 英语作文喜欢的老师 我国新疆境内,有海拔8611米的世界第二高峰乔戈里峰,还有海拔-154米的世界第二池吐鲁番艾丁湖,求这两地的高差 高中背大学四级词汇有用吗英语啊 高中生适合背大学四级词汇吗