
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 16:37:16
"“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳””怎样翻译成英文? 五岳归来不看山 黄山归来不看岳 英语怎么说 听说PETS全国公共英语三的证书可以抵大四的证书,真的吗?如果去面试,公司认可PETS3的证书伐 I can't____my pen.where is it?I can't find my pen.where is it? Where is my pen?It's_________(那边) Where is my pen?It's ( ) 空格处填啥? where is my pen和where are my pen有什么区别? 公共英语PETS,用人单位认这个吗 什么样的单位认可度高些 PETS在可以被各类单位的认可吗? -where is my pen.It's not ___I have left it.-Maybe someone has mistaken it.A.there B.where C.here D.place where选哪个?要详解. The man is easy to deal with ______ (introduce) a person to others is very difficult for a shy man like T______ (introduce)a person to others is very difficult for a shy man like Tom.这种题什么时候用doing什么时候用to do. He has received your letter,He received it three doys ago I would like to teply ( ) your letter in three days We should help him to write letters(改为同义句) ,come to see you,after we can still be friends?Later may have little to! Love a person is very difficult语法有错吗 Loves a person original good difficult, gives up a person is very difficult帮我翻译下!谢谢了! 今天8月30日四川攀枝花地震,请问国家地震局如何预震,几级以上的地震是危险警告,如何告知预防? 他们认为英语是最有趣的学科用英语翻译 Be more careful!Don't make any ___(mistake) in your writing. 攀枝花以后还会不会有地震 ,会不会有危险 请用more difficult、more exciting、more careful、more interesting、more……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………造十组句子!如上 攀枝花还会地震吗?我想知道攀枝花还会有地震吗6级以上的! 近期攀枝花市还会发生几级地震? I like go swimming in summer,请划出句子中错误的地方请找出以下句子中错误的地方!I like go swimming in summerJeff wants to play in a band.There is no bookshops near my school.My books is my most precious things.We often listen mu I believe that he his too much yin(否定句) I ( )( )tI believe that he his too much yin(否定句)I ( )( )that he ( )too much yin. I believe he has too much money的否定形式?究竟是I don't believe he has too much money,还是I don't believe he have too much money?用has 还是 have呢? "同学会"用英语怎么说? 同学会 的英语怎么说? “同学会”的英文怎么说 属于我们的同学会用英语怎么说