
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:34:28
一提起《西游记》里的孙悟空,我就会想到的成语有 用什么成语形容 西游记这个故事△ 孙悟空 《西游记》 云 跟头 想到的成语好的有加分! 孙悟空 《西游记》 云 跟头 成语不要腾云驾雾 cycle这个单词怎么读 音标不懂 求中文谐音 三峡与入蜀记中所抒发的思想感情基本相同,这是一种怎样的思想感情 两个英语句子分析1.her visit lengthened as the weeks went by.请分析主谓宾等 还有这里的lengthened怎么理解?是不是可以省略?2.this once quiet place became vital to the South during the war with the North.其中to the south.n 关于猪八戒的成语 英语两个句子分析whatever I say ,he always disagrees.这句是让步状语从句还是宾语从句.简要分析Choose whatever you like.这句呢?话说什么是让步状语从句, 描写猪八戒的成语最好在这个星期回答 分析两个英语句子1.Even though you never set foot on a ship or a plane,you can be an armchair traveler through books..2.Everyone who is interested in reading will find pleasure in books as he fights on to learn more and more that new language. 西游记中描写猪八戒性格的一回 帮忙分析两个英语句子.1.You can still____ your children be successful.2.The new mayor ___ ____ ___ ____ to the whole city.这两个句子我感觉都是使动句,可是老师说第二句是过去式,1You can still (make) your children be suc 形容猪八戒的成语2 you need to come up with some ideascome up with 的同义词是 think of 吗? 为什么 怎么理解 Describe a map you would make.I need some example or ideas.This is a weird assignment assign by my English teacher.It says describe a map you would make.Why people would be interest in that?What is the purpose of this map?What you are hoping to get o 谁有短小的文言文?最好有《学艺》和《两小儿辩日》!1越多越好! 《西游记》中猪八戒有什么作用?要好的方面 You give me more need of 如题.回答详细点最好噢! 大家告诉我一下五年级上册数学书总复习答案那里啊?有点着急了啊,蓉有晓得的人就说下哈, 求简爱和格列佛游记读书笔记简爱的1篇格列佛游记3篇每篇不少于500字 晓得的人说下哈,颁真的很急了, 用“美丽”造句 5个字以上. 简爱 和格列佛游记 的读书笔记原文 那一次,我哭了_600字要没见过的,真实的自己写的 《简爱》读书笔记和《格列佛游记》读书笔记.是读书笔记,不是读后感,就是要把一本书的重要事件提炼出来,简单点说就是简介.两本书每本1000左右.要是基本内容的.符合要求重赏!重赏!(不符 用动听怎样造句 Can you play the piano?We need some good musicians_____our school music festivalA、for.B、to.C、in.D、on our school music club ___(need)some musicians.用所给词的适当形式填空! 按照括号里单词的正确形式填空1.Our school music club _____ (need)some musicians.1.Our school music club _____ (need)some musicians.2.Please come and see the new clothes for_____(you)3.My father's birthday is on May the____(two)4.Can some students can play the piano,but the others can't _ _students can play the piano I'd like to .and sing some songs.[a..play the piano b.play the pianos