
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 11:06:26
德语 -tiv中的v的发音 that sounds great,和that sound great有什么区别let is play baseball__great A that is sounds. B that sounds C that is sound D that sound选什么?为什么? That sounds 为什么不sound great There are more than sex students h什么 in the garden There are more than tow _(hundred) students in the school now. 英语 Unit2 What's the matter?单元自我综合评价二 英语翻译 What's the matter (同义句) What's____ _____ What;s_____ 英语翻译英语翻译:我很感动你经常主动问我的近况告诉你一件事,但你不要笑我我正在学习小提琴 every或everything做主语,谓语动词用单数还是复数? I like to talk to ____ (English).They speak good English.填什么?急 I have many friends,____(include)Xiao Li 写一封信 让朋友知道你的近况 英语作文 关于暑假安排的英语作文,包括,1你的近况,2暑假打算己理由,3邀请他来中国参观 你的电视仍然开着.(翻译为英语) 高密度种植作物会不会使营养素含量减少或降低? 如何计算种植密度 旱作区豆、麦轮作,为确保作物高产、稳产,种植密度试验和肥料试验哪个更好或者说哪个试验是更有内容,写论文时更容易 Can you cook eggs with tomatoes?yes,of course ,_______ can do it,because it is easy ,I think.A.anyone B.someone C.no one D.everyone else 请问选什么,解释为什么排除其它的选项 1.——Can you cook eggs ——Yes ,of course .a ____ can do it because it is easy ,i think .2.——Give me your p______ (以p 开头的单词)that you'll never be late again .3.the house is built in the s______(以s开头的单词) of a letter L Do you like eggs? Yes,I do. I like eggs,but I don't want one.为何用“one”Do you like butter? Yes,I do. I like butter,but I don't want any.为何用"any" Yes,I can用cook提问 脚疣怎样传染的?我到处找,找不到一个明确的答案,我真不知道我脚上长疣是怎么引发的.的确我常穿硬底的鞋子对脚的损伤很大,但是我个人卫生没什么问题,确实两三年前袜子借别人穿过一次 患者信息:女 25岁 病情描述(发病时间、主要症状等):去年脚底张了3个疣,不疼不痒,当时以为过几天就没了,后来发展到现在大小有十几个,去医院医生说是病毒性的,不治疗会越来越多,现在做 在同一块地上,按稀疏不同密度种植同种植物,长出来的植物往往具有不同的形态.种植密的部分长出来的植物茎比疏的部分要【 】A长而粗B长而细C短而粗D短而细 ( )----Physic ______more difficult than Chinese.Do you think so?----Yes,I think so?A.is B.are C.has D.have原因 nobody后加名词单数还是复数Nobody_____how to run this machines.A.know B.have known C.knows D.is knowing 德语字母中 Y 的第一个发音怎么发呀?字母名称中第一个音是:'y怎么发?一楼的能够写个汉字出来吗? 德语中半元音字母y有两个发音,一个是ypselon,一个是j.这两个音在单词中怎么区分? I like _chinese_ best,but I don‘t like _____,_____,_____or_____.I like _chinese_ best,but I don‘t like _____,_____,_____or_____.(根据划线部分写)快一点! I don't like Chinese,because its______than English.______填什么 It likes bananas very much.The boy swims in the river.把这两句改成一般疑问句及否定句