
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 17:20:59
描写一个场景(秋天) They talked and lahghed h_____. they talked about inflation,unemployment and environmental pollution They talked about everything and everyboby ___ they remember.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.all 圣诞节联欢会主持稿节目有两个小品和1个牌类魔术,还有2个女生唱铃儿响叮当(英文版)还有一个猜谜语.我会给你100分. 黄河作为母亲河,给沿岸人们带来的好处是①塑造华北平原 ②提供灌溉水源,养育中华儿女 ③提供宽敞河道供船舶行驶 ④提供水能发电A:①②③ B②③④ C①②④ D①③④要有原因! 黄河沿岸有多少水库? 黄河沿岸民族风情? 联欢会主持稿(四人的)快,我星期天用 what do you do on sunday I usually go to the zhongshang park ________________there?I go hiking 英语翻译... 牙箱是什么?英文怎么翻译 黄河以前的生态环境是什么样子的? can we look at yours photos?这句话是改错题,八年级的请问是哪里错了? look at ——(we)——(we)hands are dirty这题怎么做 let we look at the picture 改错 where's my hat?sorry,l'm not know Look at Jenny's jeans.改错 军事家把时间看做什么,教育家呢 关于印度洋海啸能量影响地球自转印度洋海啸所释放出的能量是很大的由于释放的方向与地球自转方向是相反的所以在那天地球的自转慢了0.1秒我想问的是:假设海啸前地球自转周期是X,那 HAPPY的比较级是什么Are people less happy or more happy the older they get?为什么这里的HAPPY的比较级是 more happy happy的比较级比较级!很多单词,请举例, happy 的比较级 军事家把时间看作什么(和农民和医学家对时间的看法差不多的类型,请速速回答,)急 it's adj for sb.还是 it's adj to sb.“to”和“for”分别什么时候用? 请问五声、十二律用英文如何翻译? 形容手指很疼的英文句子,不是翻译,形容 he didn't know what to do .反义文句 What gose around comes around.怎样翻译? 英语翻译2 Even if it seemed like you didn't care. I didn't know what color . Is it red? the bag B. the bag is C.was the bag D.the bag was请选择并说明理由. 孔子的弟子中有多少人不会游泳? Write about a new product that you have seen advertised recently.(用英语回答)