
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:52:41
老师让写一篇关于自己的可笑或者有趣的小事(英语作文),我是初中生,大哥大姐们帮帮忙啦= 求英语情景短剧的剧本,角色7人的,故事情节搞笑但蕴含哲理.大学课堂练习用,5——8分钟.中文的也可以。希望是教新的故事,故事别光搞笑而没有意义。6人的也行。 我上大学了,但是上英语课,老师还是想教小学一样教我们一个个单词跟着读,这是什么原因? 本人要应聘一所大学的英语教师,想使自己的姿态更优雅,如何进行形体训练呀?每天要练习多久呀? MONEY这5个字母能组成什么单词除了money以外, money加一个字母能变什么单词 iquz这四个字母能组成什么单词 he makes good use of the time()he can spare 填that还是in that Our teacher requested that time__ full use of __meaningful things last week.A.was made ; to learn B.be made; to learn It is mainly because I haven't got enough money.中mainly的语法用法 I haven't got enough money,so I buy a____(use) guitar. ipad越狱后下载的时候出现i was’t able to locate file for the pluil.178 package.this might mean youYou need to manually fix this package.有没有人知道怎么解决? Tom says he hates maths.That's ____ he often fails in his maths exam.A.the result B.becauseC.the reasonD.becauseE.the reason why 做小鸟标本一定要用砒霜膏吗? He wanted to sit by the fire ,but wasn't able to do so at first中文? He wasn't able to do that.是什么意思?快急 【every little thing】STAR的罗马音要很准确的 因为翻唱需要 What lesson does Summer have on this day?He___ ____lesson on this day. 把下列句子转化成相应的否定形式.1.Can you speak English well?2.Do you have an appointment?3.Please clean the window.4.You must smile to her warmly.5.He bought some pictuers yesterday. How long does a lesson____?last on 还是 last 选哪个,为什么? 将下列句子变成否定形式All students like going there 变为?〔两空students like going there.二楼你回答好象不对把 答案的意思应为 没有一个学生想要去那儿 分别写出下列句子的否定和一般疑问句形式或划线提问:1.Ken has to take out the trash every day.2.We have to clean our rooms every Saturday.3.I have to do my homework after school. able 的近义词 (单词越简单越好) I had trouble with my car this morning,but I finally maaged__ A.to get stating it B.it to get startC.to get it started D.getting started it B.it to get started 鸿门宴上,刘邦为何没被项羽杀掉 小型鸟类的干制标本的制作步骤 1、要很精细的制作步骤2、风干的过程中要怎么操作3、羽毛的防腐需要多大浓度的防腐剂 用精忠报国、赤胆忠心、忧国忧民、以身殉国、忠心耿耿、视死如归其中的三个造句 为什么项羽没在鸿门宴上杀掉刘邦? 项羽失天下的原因是否因为没在鸿门宴杀刘邦因为是要写<<鸿门宴>>的读书笔记的 项羽没在鸿门宴中杀死刘邦,是妇人之仁还是君子之度? Where did the car accident ____this morning?填一个词组 写一段150字左右的话,表达你对邓稼先的崇敬.文字优美一点,不要写那种没用的简介.