
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:31:45
1.I think you will have a good time there还是having a good time there? 哪首英文歌里有句歌词是 i love you ,i miss you,女声唱的,英文歌是首英文歌,女生唱的,很温柔的,高潮是 i love you ,i miss you,i want you ……的歌词,是首英文歌,英文歌 一首英文歌,第一句是:I love you and I miss you what time of day is it?\ 为什么这么写中间的OF what time of day is it 是不是就是 when is it we are quiet certain that we will get there in time 为什么是表语从句 Hurry up,ang you will get there on time.改为同义句——you hurry up ,you —— —— ——half the people wanted to leave early 改为同义句—— —— the people wanted to leave early 高中英语高一部分错题询问 1.Be sure to get there on time ,____you?Of course,we____.A will ,will B He will be able to get there on time.(改为否定句) the woman is tom's mother .the woman is curing her hair合并成定语从句的复合句 The woman with the umbrella is Tom's motherThe woman with the umbrella is (Tom's mother.)对打括号的地方提问 1.Tom is___(I)mother's friend.2.This book isn't___(I),it is___(he) Get up early.____you won't get there on time.A.or B.and C./ D.then You should arrive in time or__ minutes late.Don't get there early. 改同义句 Get up early and you'll be there in time 改为 { }you don't get up early,you'll be { } You should arrive there on time(改为同义句)You -------------------,arrive there on time 英文题:I have some time to play with friends on weekends,but I want to have___(much). ____(get)there on time ,I get up very early you_________help me if you do not have time.I can do the job myself.为什么横线上不能填are not going to,if引导的条件状语从句主将从现.上面的这句是不是 if引导的条件状语从句吗? it wasn't worthwhile to have a part-time job from which you can't make much fortune. 这句话对不对,还有这句it wasn't worthwhile to have a part-time job, one which offer low pay. 1.The rabbit’s tail is short.2.The snack bar is behind the playground.换一种表达,意思不变 英语选择,为什么选B?____in the USA,Louis has now become the 24th largest city.A.Being the fourth biggest cityB.Once the forth biggest cityC.It was once the forth biggest cityD.The forth biggest city it was 英语选择 为什么不选B?38.For holidays,many people visit those islands ________ the coast of Australian.A.in B.on C.off D.at How do you-------there?I take the train.A,reach B.get to C,arrive D,arrive in我知道肯定不选B和D,但A与C有什么区别 How can you there air?A.get to,by B.reach,by C get,in D arrive,on 小学英语,连词成句:has a for dog tail and paws a小学英语,外甥的作业,从没学过英语,摆脱大家了!谢谢 this,has,a,tail,monkey,short 连词成句 连词成句英语:say,no,to,time,exercise,they,some,have,students 求英语完形填空:For some time I have had a church member provide me with… a,i,o,u,e的开音节和闭音节.谢谢了哦! What animal has a head like a cat ,eyes like a cat ,tail like a cat ,but isn't a cat?什么动物头像猫,眼睛像猫,尾巴像猫 ,但不是猫?(最好用英文)(快!) what is long tail effect?