
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 17:41:59
同义句转换:It seems that they have known each other .They ___ ___ have known each other .同义句转换:It seems that they have known each other .They ___ ___ have known each other . 已知一项目资金流量为 第一年支付1000W,第2年支付1500W,第三年收益200W,第三年收益300W,第五年收益400W,第六到十年每年收益500W,第十一年收益450W,第12年收益400W,第十三年收益350W,第十四年收益45W, 初中英语听力与阅读训练8A答案第六单元P128~148 谢谢 某仓库里的桶按以下规律堆放:■■■■■■■■■■■■○○~■■ ■■■■■■~○○■■■○○○■■ ■■○○■■○○○■■○○○○~■ ○○○■○○○○■○○○○○■(注“■ 因而,我稚小的心灵,曾将心声献给小桥:你是一弯银色的新月,给人间普照光辉;你是一把闪亮的镰刀,割刈着欢笑的花果;你是一根晃悠悠的扁担,挑起了彩色的明天.把这段话改编成一首诗.家 设an=根号下n(n+1) 数列an前n项和为sn ,求证:[n(n+1)]/2 紫藤萝瀑布最能体现作者陶醉于花的芬芳是哪一句初二的很急 阿甘正传中阿甘妈妈临死前说过...原句是什么?好像是你把 上帝给你的机会发挥极限什么的不是巧克力,人生那个 l'm _(real) sorry to hear that Tom has been ill 中阿甘妈妈的那个有关生活的比喻是?我记得那个比喻是:"生活就像一盒巧克力,."用英文咋翻译这个比喻? 同义句It seems that he is ill He seems ____ ___ill [同义句} Tom was__ill that we had to send him for a docor.A.so B.very C.and D.too A.careful enough B enough careful C enough carefully D carefully enough 选择哪一个答案? She seems to be worried now.(改为同义句) --- --- that she --- worried now.---处填什么? 2006年9月1日至今(2013年5月6日)有多少天因为我和我女友是那天开始认识的,我想看看至今认识有多少天了! 同意句改写She seems to be worried now ___ ___ that she___ worried now she seems to be worried now.(改为同义句) ______ _____she seems to be worried now.(改为同义句)______ ______ ______ that she ____ worried now. she seems worried now等不等于she seems to be worried now. 紫藤萝瀑布 一文抒发零作者什么情感 It seems that he doean't have a computer(同义句) 找抽屉原理的例题至少三道 让他回想一下他昨天做了什么 用It seems that we have to 造句 She said that she wasnot angry anymore.改为直接引语 甲数是乙数的6倍,甲、乙两数的比是();甲数比乙数少六分之一,甲数与乙数的比是() 甲数是乙数的6倍,加以两数的比是多少?甲数比乙数少六分之一,甲数和乙数的比是多少? 选词填空:with rememder careful smile worry happy put enough she spendOnly mother's love is true love.It gives everyone everthing all his life.When you are still a bady,mother looks after you ( ) than everybody else.In your waking hours she always 描写水清澈的好句好段,只要不是古代的都行!语言优美的!能拽的! blood,decide,if,that,a,person's,can,group,help,good,friend,will,be,person,a,hero,knowing连词成句,看的晕死了. 描写水清澈的句子 Now have to learn to give up,with my love give you your love. She said"A friend of mine will come to visit me"改为间接引语 What do you want to be in the future应该怎么回答,我将来想开飞机