
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 01:43:07
七的笔画是 提 竖折勾 化的笔画顺序呢? 竖竖折的笔画怎么写呀? 无穷等比数列{an}的公比为q,前n项和为Sn,若limSn=1,则首项a1的取值范围是为什么没人回答我 君王是船、百姓是水、水能载舟、亦能覆舟.是在什么情况下说的这句话?为什么要把自己比作船? 文言文:何易于挽舟要翻译 舟止,从其所契者入水求之. 高一牛津英语定语从句练习题第一个问题:Look out,boys!Don't play in the boat,___ bottom is under repair A.whose B.which C.of which D.what 这里我想问A和C是不是都可以,A的话,翻译为:注意!男孩们,不要在那只船 请有能力的朋友帮我把这句话翻译成英文:我还不知道你长什么样子呢,我的小弟弟,能不能给我看看你的照片? 爸爸妈妈或爷爷奶奶的爱是什么作文六年级作文 把下列句子改成被动语态1.He made us study English.2.They often show her smoe pictures.3.Ann has kept the book for two days.4.He should see a doctor.5.She is reading a book.6.An inventor invented some inventions. 下列语句改被动语态.急题目将下列语句改被动语态.(变成被动语态,to 要还原)1.大声的音乐使我想跳舞.Loud music makes me want to dance.2.忧伤的歌使我们想哭.Sad music makes us want to cry.3.她使婴儿停 What is the difference among the three sentences?为什么among不可以,怎么改? 7,“ what is the difference?”“ this furniture is different from______ ”.A,that book.B,your.C,that one.D,that. 哪位可以帮我想想如何写英语演讲稿:talent and value 给个范文. talk to u later See talk to you later? talk to you soon 和talk to you later.在意思上有什么区别吗? 当m等于多少时,5m-2的值与7m互为相反数 那位英语高手能帮我把中文译成英文这是一段A和B的对话,麻烦谁能帮我把它翻译成英文,感激不尽,绝对不要翻译器的,语法一定要正确,句意不非得一样,相似即可A:真没想到在这里看见你,最近 五年级英语连词成句:sad,were,they,to,say,goodbye They were sad ___(say) goodbye.到底是saying还是to say 或是其他 They were sad saying goodbye.上面这句话有错吗?原来的考题为:They were sad_____(say) goodbye. 用修辞方法来表达难过心情的片段 There are no trails of the wings in the sky,while the birds has flied away.----Tagore 怎样形容心情糟糕 用什么来形容有点糟糕的心情呢? 作文我们家人都爱吃 请大家多多指教:把直线y=3x-3沿x轴平移后经过点(5,3),求平移的方向和单位个数及新直线的解析式. 把直线y=3x-3沿x轴平移后经过点(5,3),求平移的方向和单位个数及新直线的解析式. It's quite exciting ( ) me ( ) the Internet a. for surf b.for to surf c.for for surf d. of to surf(1)It's quite exciting ( ) me ( ) the Interneta. for surfb.for to surfc.for for surfd. of to surf (2)You'd better ( ) in the dictionary when If you surf the Internet ,more information will be a______ for you to get. 【】1.are you surf the internet?[a.are/b.you/c.surf /d.the internet]____[do] your father like ___[watch]tv in the evening.19:26~19:30中间回得快的话,