
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 01:17:47
Get your butt into gear. 英语翻译什么只有P会变成我的约会?搞不懂 BRASIL BRASIL怎么样 All the workers are working,( ) it's very dark用适当的介词或连词填空 两个自然数最大公约数5,最小公倍数300,一个数是75另一个数是 five kilos of bamboo是什么意思 两题英语学霸快来 学霸快来教我英语,学霸快来教我英语学霸快来教我英语学霸快来教我英语! Como dizer,como fazer para que você saiba,eu achei a sua intenção?这句葡萄牙语怎么 咳sou怎么写 有姓氏SOU的这个字怎么写. 两个数的最大公约数是42.,最小公倍数是2940,且两数之和是734,求这两个数各是多少上题中有一个数字错了,两数之和应是714,对不起 There is a place for us是谁唱的?那我怎么找不到片尾曲啊?mps下载不出来啊 不是 根本就不是那首歌啊! sinto a sua falta.vou ir dormir agora.bom dia. 请懂葡萄牙语的童鞋翻译一下:Espero que seja muito bom produto,retornarei compra outros mais. how to make yourself look nice请帮我写一篇短文.一百字左右即可.谢.12点左右写完有效.写后定追加分数. you can buy the nice sweater _____ yourself.A.to B.on C.for D.at believe in yourself ,and have a nice day the,he,write,show,TV,my,for,aunt连词成句 Show ( )(he) how ( )( )(write) the words. THE HISTORY MAN怎么样 I love you more than a minute only,love you for 60 seconds. They______any drink.(need)填什么 不及物动词放句首怎么解决(Learning)english is very useful这个learnning后要不加to 像这些句子中的动词是不是作为不及物动词?Do you want to swap(后面没有接什么,直接结尾)?本身swap是一个及物动词,交换(一般交换,后面肯定得接东西物品)单词的释义上解释说swap也属于vi, How many classmates are there in your class ? 是什么意思 将这个句子改成反意疑问句(英语)There is little milk in the bottle.There is little milk in the bottle,_____ _____? 我的哥哥名字叫Peter 英文怎么说 你的名字是peter吗?是的.的英语 You can imagine how strange it was! have a chance of 是什么成语 argue的现在分词怎么写啊