
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 01:16:09
We have some tennis rackets改否定句Helen(海伦) has a baseball bat改一般疑问句请说明为什么,还有什么情况用has和some还有have和does 一篇每句都有duty的英语演讲稿 the meeting goes_____.hour after hour.填什么介词或者副词? The meeting lasted for ( ).A.one and half a hour B.one and half hour C.one and a half hours D.one and the half hour give my best____(wish)后面动词用什么形式 英语翻译翻译成英语 英语翻译我在免税店卖东西,请大神帮翻译:1.欢迎光临,您好,如果有喜欢的可以拿给您看一下,这是韩国最有名的手表,质量非常好,是韩国产,有很多著名的明星都戴过.上面的钻石是施华洛世奇 好嘛,这次算我错了,你还要打我好多下哎 用英语翻译 亲,有什么抒情的英文歌推荐下?类似right here waiting, my heart will go on, it's hot goodbye, burning 求有关四季的英语成语,急用越多越好啊 英语里有关‘门’的成语?求英语中,有关‘门’的成语或哲语? He is now)He is now ____to the hot weather.A.accustomedB.accusableC.accountableD.acquainted为什么? told me it wasHe told me it was the____reason he explained just now___made him come late yesterday选择出来的答案是which that想问一下第一空可不可以用that第二个补什么不能用which不好意思打错了,是He told me it was t 17._________ he had for trade with agriculture products.A.What a great gift\x05B.What a beautiful gift C.How beautiful a present\x05D.How beautiful a 为什么选择A two miles away from什么时候away可以去掉 105103:located less than a mile away from LHR and a short drive away from downtown London,this hotel offers guests the chance to explore every facet of the city of London.想知道的语言点:1—a short drive away from downtown London:怎么翻 excel中如何将数字格式设置成 88元(大写:捌拾捌元整) 其中大写部分我已经弄好了:[DBNum2][$-804]G/通用格式"元""整" 但现在需要在这代码前加上小写88元 最终是要实现:88元(大写:捌拾捌 如何将数字转换为中文大写,如123.12 转为壹佰贰拾叁元壹角贰分整, Whatever happens,don't let go of my hand,you know I'm talking about you?这样可以吗? Two to two to tow two 的意思 Whatever Happens,Don't You Let Go Of My Hand?翻译 What's the meaning of Two to two to tow two Whatever happens, just don't let go of my hand这句话是什么意思? This is a beautifui city called Sanghai. 童年的作者 《童年》的作者是? he runs a mile every morning to keep fit .这句话是啥呢么时态.为什么用这个时态? we are not going to school every morning 这句话是什么时态? morning用什么时态 Charles Taylor fails to return to war crimes tribunal after lawyer row,求标题翻译, 时间过我太快哎的句子 谁是《童年》的作者?