
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 23:33:24
翻译 I'm not that happy 2008年希望之星英语风采大赛初中组冠军、亚军、季军分别是谁? 为什么说长江沿江地带是我国东部沿海经济发达区与西部资源富集区的纽带 英语翻译这句话的意思不是应该是:父母要注意把自己的品味强加给子女 1.Don't give up ____English.It's very important A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning写出正确的选项 英语翻译Man often fails to think about the future results of his action That seemed really high,but when you reach a goal ,you always wind up reaching higher Take off 意思In deed it would ,which made it the last baggage ,they took off the plane 英语翻译ah tsoi—?a tsoi 翻译的对么? I’m sorry I am late,sir.— It doesn’t matter,but be a little ____ tomorrow.A.early B.earlier\x09C.earliest \x09D.the earliest为什么选B?选A不行吗?是不是 a little 只能修饰比较级 给讲讲sting的歌曲《shape of my heart》歌词的含义歌词里的单词我都认识,只是不知道其中深层次的含义.前面讲玩扑克牌,后来怎么又说到了“如果我对你说我爱你”,还有“这不是我的心的形状 sting的the shape of my heart是什么风格的 求STING的Shape of My Heart 空间链接要长期有效 不卡快速的哈~~ 意大利的佛罗伦萨标志性建筑是什么?佛罗伦萨标志性建筑是什么,或者一提到佛罗伦萨你会想起来什么?求启发 改错"I'm sorry i may be a little late"."It doesn't the matter"答案上是把the去掉, 谁有好的语文摘抄内容 做语文摘抄,请提供些内容给我不知要作文,什么好词好句,什么名人名言都要! 摘抄本摘抄什么内容可以提高语文成绩?最好有内容. 翻译歌词 后街男孩 的 “shape of my heart”Hmm, yeah, yeahBaby, please try to forgive meStay here don't put out the glowHold me now don't botherIf every minute it makes me weakerYou can save me from the man that I've becomeOh yeahLookin' ba not at all和it doesn't matter的用法例1:A:Oh,sister,we are late!B:Not at all.The teacher is afraid of me.此处用not at all合理吗?例2:A:Oh,sister,we are late!B:It doesn't matter.The teacher is afraid of me.此处用it doesn't matter合 that all arght,it doesn't matter,not at all区别 谁有好段啊!(供摘抄用)(语文的)每段300字,共需24段!你复制别人的也行``````````` ___him and then try to copy what he does.这题为什么填watch而不填 stare at? mark want to come to china by plane.(改为同义句) AND THEN?WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SAY? Now and then ___ up to see what happened.A.did he wake B.he wake C.he wakes D.he did wakenow 和 then 不是要全部倒装的吗?原题目给的答案是A的,now,then,分别在句首时要全部倒装,如:Now comes the bus.Then came a noise like thu 老挝的面积有多大? What then then也表示所以!与so什么区别 意大利最著名的景点是哪?交通如何? 意大利有什么著名景点?不知道意大利有什么著名景点可以玩呢?什么时候去最合适呢? 意大利最著名的景点是什么?说出答案就行 I like going into towm bicycleby the bicycle对不? 语文摘抄哪些素材比较好?例如:温暖、母爱……