
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 22:38:12
he's eating quite well 还是 his eating quite well 都对吗 哪个更地道? “经济发展与改革委员会的简称是发改委”用英语怎么翻译? "天空中没有鸟的痕迹,但我已飞过"英文原句“天空中没有鸟的痕迹,但我已飞过.”我在《飞鸟集》里找过了没有.BY THE WAY;泰戈尔的英译是什么啊? The parents didn't say no to their son after they got to know his ideas.(改为同义句)The parents didn't say no to their son after they got to know his ideas.(改为同义句) The parents ____ _____ their son after they got to know his ide His parents didn't send their children to school ____________life was hard.此处为什么不能用because?求详细! So they have enough reasons not accept their parents' ideas请问这个句子有毛病吗,accept前应加to吗 The identical twins had to be raise ____C__ after their parents died.A. partly B. partially C. apart D. part请高手讲下以下4个词,apart是表语形容词,为什么可以用在这里,谢谢,我将感激不尽! 无线网络对比物理网络的优势有那些 外研社英语是英式英语还是美式英语 It's only about an h____flight from Qingdao to Beijing by air. there,be,match,tomorrow,take,he,an,hour,do,yesterday写一句话 大恒星的衰老和消亡的过程和太阳有什么不同? Tom has ______few friends that he telt lonely.A.so B.such 什么叫有道德 什么叫有道德?道德是什么意思? 1.如果说太阳会老化死去,那么银河系的中心会不会先太阳系先死去,会有什么后果?2.地球会有外星撞击的可能,那么太阳系几大行星也会有外星击的可能,会不会在太阳系产生两个太阳? 一般英语四级和高中学的英语还有大学英语有多大的关系? 你能为地球列几条保护措施吗 什么叫做展望未来.求展望未来的主题,他包括一些什么?六年级小学生画的画.意境深刻的可以么,如果可以,那么主题又是什么?单单是天空Or大海行么 木受绳则直,尽量具体但不要太罗嗦 故木受绳则直,金就砺则利的喻义是什么请简辟一点,本人理解能力有限 "故木受绳则直,金就砺则利"解释这句话中每一个字的意思,特别是“就”的意思?同题目 Form what number can you take half and leave nothing 故木受绳则直,金就砺则利.出自于哪? 过秦论最后一句.故木受绳则直金就砺则利后面的. 展望未来1适合几年级读?学了SBS2,读这个可以么?展望未来1里是以词绘量为主还是语法? becease thday is the first day of one year in USA Friday after thanksgiving holidays is called the Black Friday.What is so special about Black FridayHint:special sales .deep discounts .holiday shopping season .ect 是回答这个问题 用英文 条理清楚 语法正确 除了提示最好补充一 “Miss Black is not in the first.”的中文意思bang He is the first black driver是什么意思 故木受绳则直 金就砺则利下一句 故木受绳则直金就砺则利.下1句是?