
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 15:21:12
中翻译英:"这是修改之后的报价单,请你查收" 英语翻译我喜欢你、可是我不敢说 我害怕你会疏远我、以前是我没有珍惜你 那时候我还不知道你的好、在不了解你的时候就答应了你 可是不了解你又怎么有话说呢 现在 我知道你其实很好 英语 我们的对话真是毫无营养 求人工翻译 类似意思就好 如何矫正小朋友做英语阅读时爱看翻译的习惯? 让读书成为习惯 骨头是什么意思 好的英语阅读习惯是怎样的?我知道每个人所适合的英语学法不同,所以想集思广益看看哪种最适合我. 另外,读英语报,在读懂大意的情况下是否要对生词进行查字典,如果查字典不是会将几倍于 请各位精英帮小弟、写出下列句子的一般现在时被动语态的否定句.谢谢1、Water is carried to Grandma Li every Sunday .2、Ten yuan is paid when the book is bought .3、The door is usually shut at night .4、Goods are sometime 帮忙写下下面句子的被动语态 否定句 一般疑问句1/Every can understand his idea2/You can buy computersquite cheaply now3/We can speak a little English4/You mustn't take these magazine from the library5/She has already taken many phob 以下句子的 被动语态 否定句 一般疑问句Father drank all the wine last night被动语态:否定句:一般疑问句:We will help hei tomorrow被动语态:否定句:一般疑问句:We allow him to take photos here被动语态 求助"your early reply will be appreciated"是什么意思? Your immediate reply would be highly appreciated.怎么翻译哦》 Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.Best wishes, 什么意思 Any help from you will be greatly appreciated.Please give me a reply at your earliest convenience翻译 推荐几本英语阅读理解训练和完形填空训练题高一年级使用的 推荐2本难度适中的 When did Tom arrive ___China?He got to Guangzhou on 16th of April.A.to B.in when did your uncle arrive___china?he got to Guangzhou__the morning of the 16th of April.A at in B.in in C.to on D.in on on the morning of the 16th of April后面的of为什么不用in前面的on 我知道,因为是要特质后面的日期嘛,可是为什么要用of,是固定搭配还是也是特指之类的? I spent two hours walking there.中的walking为什么用ing形式 It will take you two hours to walk there.对two hours 提问 she spent two hours in her homework.(句型转换) ——her two hours—__ her homework She spent two hours in working it out.(同义句转换) 高三英语阅读二轮复习的主要内容是什么阅读理解在二轮和一轮的复习上有什么不同,该侧重什么 英语阅读选main idea是选主旨中心思想还是选主要内容我每次都是当成主要内容选,看大部分在讲什么但是都错了= = 英语阅读竞赛是比赛什么内容? on the morning of april 10th 这句话前为什么用on不用in我感觉它已经具体到了morning 请大家帮忙把一段话翻译成英语我们为了少交进口税额,希望将价格降低.我们只先支付银行10000美元,就请你们放单,差额我直接汇到你们的银行账号中,或者交给货运代理,由他们付给你.这样操 英语翻译1月20号的包裹早已经让邮局退回去了,昨天看到你们在2月24号的订单里添加了57.6欧元的费用,这个要怎么处理呢? She took me there herself. Getting there by bike took me 2 hours同义句 it 一个空 me 2 hours 两个空 there 这个怎么填 It takes me two hours to go there (就two hours 提问) There are t______(1)many accidents in cities.Accidents ofen happen when people c_____(2)the roads.Here is a piece of advice(忠告).R_____(3)it carefully.Be careful w_____(4)it is raining.Many accidents happen t_____(5).people are in a h_____(6)becau